iCloud sync issues

Is there anyone at this point who is successfully getting iCloud to sync? What is your set up?

// just to keep this thread open.

Potential Success

I was having the usual duplicate file issues using Windows 11, iCloud from the Microsoft Store, and Obsidian on iPhone.

When I reinstalled Windows 10 Pro, I took that opportunity to install the non-Store version of iCloud meant for Windows 8.1. This version just downloads all your files outright, instead of using the space-saving file-streaming technology that the newer iCloud, OneDrive, and Google Drive all utilise.

I’ve tested the following scenarios and experienced zero issues with duplicate files so far:

  • Obsidian open on iPhone only and editing file
  • Obsidian open on Windows only and editing same file
  • Obsidian open on iPhone and Windows at the same time and editing the same file one either iPhone or Windows only
  • Obsidian open on iPhone and Windows at the same time and editing the same file on iPhone and Windows at the same time. I type one sentence on iPhone, wait for the sentence to appear on Windows, then type another, wait for it to appear on iPhone, and repeat

It’s been 2 hours, and so far it looks good. I will continue to test and report back tomorrow if either disaster strikes, or true success is achieved.

P.S.: Thanks for the hand-holding @pandichef !

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Ok, so after 3+ days of testing, I’ve noticed exactly zero issues or duplicate files despite being carefree, and leaving multiple copies of Obsidian running (laptop/desktop/iPhone) or open while I edit my notes.

I am happy and satisfied with my setup. Here are some details:

  • Install the Windows 7 / 8 version of iCloud which is linked at the bottom of this article: Download iCloud for Windows
  • There is a downside: iCloud will sync down all files stored in iCloud Drive, which may or may not be a problem for you.

After 8 days, I have experienced one instance of the dreaded “File was modified externally” warning. Upon checking however, it did not created a duplicate (1) file, though I did lose the last word I typed.

I guess in summary, iCloud for Windows 8.1 mostly resolves the issue, but can still cause problems here and there.

For now, I can live with this.

I really hate for this to be my first post, but it is what it is I guess. I’m new to Obsidian, and am running 2 Windows 10 hosts (desktop and laptop) and an iOS phone.

I spent some time debating the usefulness of being able to access my vault on my phone, and without seeing this, thought housing my data on iCloud would be a workable solution. For me, it hasn’t been. I have less than 20 notes, and Obsidian/iCloud is not able to keep up with syncs. I can’t imagine it being capable of handing a full implementation.

I’ll be moving my data to Dropbox and forgoing phone access. I’m just glad I caught this early in the adaption process and I wish I had seen this thread before thinking of iCloud.

Thanks to everyone for testing and posting your findings. It is great to know that this community is active and supportive!

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So I’ve started using Windows in my workflow. I’m a heavy Obsidian user and use it across my MacBook Pro, 2 iPads, and an iPhone on the regular, and now Windows. I’m experiencing this changed “externally” bug.

Is there an ETA on when this will get fixed by the Obsidian team?

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Have you tried the iCloud for Windows 7/8 version here?

It’s not an Obsidian problem, it’s an iCloud+Windows problem unfortunately.

Before mobile was in the mix, I synced my vaults between a Windows PC and a Mac using OneDrive and it worked fine. (I use Obsidian Sync now.)

There should be some checking on Obsidians side to prevent it from nuking files when default setups are encountered, not downgrading iCloud for Windows, where a lot of potential security issues could be present.

Again, this isn’t an Obsidian problem. It’s an iCloud+Windows problem. Obsidian isn’t nuking files.

I think the ultimate solution about iCloud is using a iOS/iPadOS + MacOS. This will solve most of the wired problems.

Another solutions are:

  1. asking for support for other free sync options other than iCloud in the iOS/iPadOS Obsidian
  2. using an android phone and other free sync options other than iCloud.

But the best solution is dumping iCloud. It’s hardly optimal even on pure apple juice.


A periodical backup of the important files on iCloud is a good complement. This is also suggested by the moderators of this community.
I found the duplicated files once or twice a month, in most of the case, they are the daily notes, which will generated automatically when I open the Obsidian. So, the mac and ipad may create the same daily note at the same folder before a successful sync is accomplished.
But I think I can live on this.

I used to work in a way that I kept the vault 100% locally on mac and sent a copy to the iCloud manually to sync with other devices periodically. However, you have to do a sync before you open the obsidian on the mac almost every time to sync back the latest update made on the ipad/iphone. And soon I realize that even with some synchronization tools, dealing with bidirectional synchronization on time is very painful and very ineffective. And iCloud can do this job automatically, and obsidian supports this very, comparing the files based on the modification time, i guess. That is enough for me. So now, I let iCloud do this for me.

I think any app that suggests “buy a new computer” or “don’t use the sync method that works with our native apps” as a solution is passing the buck instead of solving the problem that is created in the ecosystem they supposedly build these apps for.

I’m not going to ditch my iPad or iPhone, nor quit my job to stop using Windows when I basically have to.

Supporting multiple environments is something that the folks making this proprietary software decided to do, and this is one of those things that requires them to step up and fix their software to get to where the rubber meets the road.


We are not suggesting anything. I want to point out that Obsidian is a note-taking app that works on local files. The sync of said files is on you and the software you use. No promises to support any sync systems are made (Except Obsidian Sync, and iclould on ios which me manage directly).

Obsidian works fine with Dropbox and OneDrive.
The problem is specifically iCloud on windows. Why is you anger directed towards Obsidian and not Apple?
Why doesn’t Apple step up their game and improve their client on windows? They don’t lack neither the money nor the brainpower.

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The problem is specifically iCloud on windows. Why is you anger directed towards Obsidian and not Apple?

I’m not angry, I’m asking the software devs to address syncing issues between platforms they write software for. Please don’t ascribe emotions to me.

Why doesn’t Apple step up their game and improve their client on windows?

It’s not that I think the blame lies entirely on Obsidian, it’s that the solutions:

  • Don’t use Windows
  • Don’t use iOS
  • Don’t use iCloud
  • Don’t use Mac

Are all deflecting the issue where unfortunately software devs who make cross-platform tools need to address the deficits in order for their product to work as they indicate it can. I’m sure if you asked an Apple dev team why the iCloud sync was lousy on Windows they’d tell you that you should take it up with the Windows dev team that makes a product that doesn’t work as intended.

By asking the Obsidian dev team to address this in their software it points out that it’s a big problem for some of their users and points out that it’s on them to keep their product working. Maybe that includes doing research into upstream issues that are preventing it and asking the Windows/Apple devs or whatever open source project they’re using (if so) to address the issues they’re having. Maybe the devs decide to prioritize support for Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive etc etc in the iOS apps. There’s a slew of things that could come of asking the devs to treat this as their problem instead of shrugging it off and blaming someone else for it.

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Again the problem is specifically iclould on windows. So let’s not over generalize.

Again, nobody indicated they can. Obsidian works with files on your disk. The management and synchronization of said files is on you and the software you decide to use. Obsidian does not make the promise that it will work all file synchronization services because it this depends on how said file synchronization service is implemented.

I’m not overgeneralizing, I’m sharing my experience as someone who’s paid for this product, using my experience in UX and software development. :expressionless:

I don’t see this conversation being fruitful - it seems like Obsidian is cool with disregarding customers needs through dismissive moderation; or for getting this problem actually resolved by developers who can address these issues.

No disagreement here.

Thanks for chiming in. I usually look for that level of maturity from mods.

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