Thanks, I saw that thread and there are too many hoops to jump through with that tool just to make a taskbar label with a unique icon. The added benefit of launching a specific vault would be nice, but I’m not interested in doing that dance.
I’ll just continue using the TRAY plugin with the “Hide taskbar icon” and switch between vaults from system tray icons. I usually only have 2 open, but I can see more in my future.
I have 3 installs of Vivaldi Standalone browser to keep multiple hobbies / gmail / youtube accounts “separated” & made a folder with 3 shortcuts to each install and 3 different icons which is really nice. I added them to my Quick Launch toolbar too, but the taskbar still only shows the standard orange Vivaldi icon. At least it is easier to launch each specific area of life as noted above. It is my way of trying to keep myself on task.
Can I do something similar with Obsidian by making a folder full of 4-5 shortcuts & icons and just adding some simple launch /parameters to open a specific Vault ID? Taskbar differentiation would be nice, but I can deal with using the system tray to launch various vaults.
OK, I did the searches & have some “lessons learned” in case some other noob stumbles in here.
RE: “the TRAY plugin with the “Hide taskbar icon” and switching vaults from system tray”
^Works great like that but without the app showing in the taskbar, drag & drop is a NO GO!
I’m using the canvas a lot, so I d&d images, youtubes, links, etc. & had to turn that back on.
I found the HELP article on URI and made 2 shortcuts w/ different icons for each Vault ID. I’m probably going to turn off “Launch at startup”. I’ll just choose an icon from the desktop & try hotkey switching.
I still want to see this feature, but I assume it is menial in the grand scope of the app devs.
I have not found any worthwhile “solution”, so I’m leaving this open.
I tried a second install vs ALL USERS, I used ONLY FOR ME (username) but it just launches the core app and adds a 4th vault. Very frustrating just to guarantee that I am working in separate buckets.