HTML Export Plugin 🎉

You can manually upload files, they just need to be served by a web server. As long as they are on a web server that’s fine. If you are opening the files locally it is not. Unfortunately, there are a whole lot of limitations of the file:// protocol that simply aren’t easy or practical to work around.

As far as exporting the files you have selected, I am not sure I understand the problem. If you only select a few files to export it will only export the ones you have selected.

What Obsidian theme do you use here?

Hi, are there any plans to support metadata / properties (frontmatter) in each note as well ?
I use metadata menu and each note/file as typically several several properties, including links to other notes/files.
I would be very helpful to see these properties in the HTML output.

My files around 30GB, it appears error during export.

I am using the things theme :slight_smile:

Definetly, this is on my to-do list!

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Hey, amazing work with this plugin!

I’ve noticed a couple of weird behaviours:

  • The plugin doesn’t export PDF’s even if they are selected as files to export in the prompt
  • If you check the “open after export” toggle it breaks on windows. My guess it’s assuming unix like paths and it applying the wrong path format.

Olso, a personal request :stuck_out_tongue: would it be possible be compatible with Image Toolkit ? I think at its current state your plugin only export css files, but not the js associated to it, making this plugin not work after export.

Anyway, amazing work so far! Keep up the good work :smiley:

This is a very useful plugin to me, thanks for this work. I use it to share occasionally my notes, and is very handy, but have a few questions about features.

Would be possible to not show the attachment folder in the HTML page? I could use only external images etc but then it would not work when I am offline on my pc. Currently I have to edit/clean the tree html file to avoid showing the attachment in the tree as I prefer people to not see all my attachments there.

Also, can I set one of the exported page as the home page?

Finally can I make to collapse/hide the graph in the right sidebar, after is published (i.e. keep exporting but have hiding when have a long TOC in my file).

I have a possible bug to report, will try to do on git if I manage to learn how to do :slight_smile: in short, there are files that are not exported but still linked in the file I export, when I click on them the browser of course does not find them no prob, but when I hit the back button the URL to the previous file is broken. I have to manually edit the URL to set the right path to my file.

Again THANKS a lot for this plugin, it helps me a lot.

PS: can someone tell me what plugin / syntax is used to have this blocks on a file (see example
Home ( )?

Hi, just came across this plugin, looks very promising!
I am not very updated on the necessities for web servers which is not based on old-school index.html, so what is actually needed on the server side to get the online web server running?

Also, would it be possible to set this up as a local server to get access to the search feature locally?
I know how to set up a simple node.js server, but there ends my knowledge.

I find the html documents mode less useful with the image files being encoded into the html file, I prefer links to a media folder, and it lacks the search feature.


actually, I figured out how to do this as a local server using http-server
in terminal I typed sudo npm install http-server -g to install and http-server -o to start server (linking to the static files which in my case were in the same folder as the http_server)

So now I have search working locally, but would love to know the requirements for the online server

I got it working on my dreamhost server. I guess the part that confused me is that I expected to need something like a index.html to start, but I understand now that any of the generated html files can be a starting point.