Is there a way to just view non-markdown files within Obsidian? Let me explain …
I have a folder with a bunch of markdown files, shell scripts, and images. Images and markdown files open beautifully in Obsidian. It would be great if I can just open to view the shell scripts too.
By default, I do not see the file types other than .md and .jpg|.png|... in the file hierarchy in the sidebar. I see there is an option under Settings > Files & Links > Detect all file extensions, which when enabled shows all files in the folder in the sidebar. The problem is when I click on them it opens in the default app. For shell scripts the default app would be terminal (at least on my machine).
I would like to just view the shell script(s) within Obsidian instead of opening it in the terminal every time I click on it (sometimes accidentally).
That is a nice one. Doesn’t work the way I am expecting. What happens is that the content of the file is considered markdown. So any comments in the shell scripts are rendered as heading 1. Other things are considered as latex formula. etc. etc.
I am not familiar with the plugin model nor the way Obsidian handles editing but I would be great to have this plugin extend to plain text editing.
Quick look at the plugin code looks like it is asking Obsidian to treat a .txt file as .md. I wish Obsidian provides support for editing text (or text-based files).