How to add a template into multiples [[files]] not created yet

I’m doing an ancestry family. I’ve got the tree structure cited below and I want to add information to each member of the family. Every person of the family have the link created but not the file.

With bullet list + mindmap plugin:

  • [[Me]
    • [[Father]]
      • [[Grandfather-A]]
        • [[Great-grandfather-AA]]
        • [[Great-grandmother-AA]]
      • [[Grandmother-A]]
        • [[Great-grandfather-AB]]
        • [[Great-grandmother-AB]]
    • [[Mother]]
      • [[Grandfather-B]]
        • [[Great-grandfather-BA]]
        • [[Great-grandmother-BA]]
      • [[Grandmother-B]]
        • [[Great-grandfather-BB]]
        • [[Great-grandmother-BB]]

With mermaid (actually with mermaid the [[links]] doesn’t work):

graph LR
    [[Me]] --> [[Father]]
    [[Me]] --> [[Mother]]
    [[Father]] --> [[Grandfather-A]]
    [[Father]] --> [[Grandmother-A]]

    [[Mother]] --> [[Grandfather-B]]
    [[Mother]] --> [[Grandmother-B]]
    [[Grandfather-A]] --> [[Great-grandfather-AA]]
    [[Grandfather-A]] --> [[Great-grandmother-AA]]
    [[Grandmother-A]] --> [[Great-grandfather-AB]]
    [[Grandmother-A]] --> [[Great-grandmother-AB]]

    [[Grandfather-B]] --> [[Great-grandfather-BA]]
    [[Grandfather-B]] --> [[Great-grandmother-BA]]
    [[Grandmother-B]] --> [[Great-grandfather-BB]]
    [[Grandmother-B]] --> [[Great-grandmother-BB]]

Things I have tried

I know that I can add each template manually, entering and opening (creating the file) and copy paste the template or use the template plugin to add it. But this manual method gets me too much time for more than 300 members.

What I’m trying to do

I’m looking for a method which can add automatically the templates in all the family members. Right now I’ve created manually around 5 members so it would be better if I can select to where files the template goes.

I’m sure there is a clever script that could do this automatically, but if its a one time task and you have all the 300 not-yet-created-links already set up, you could set up Templater plugin with the settings’ Empty Note Template set as your Ancestry template, then you would only have to ctrl-click on 300 links to create the notes with the template automatically. Probably take 5 minutes. When done, change Templater back to your default new note template or remove the plugin if you aren’t using it.

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