How do I get content from websites into my notes?

Hi there, not sure if this is useful to anyone, but i use this Bookmarklet in Safari on my iPad to convert / open webpages (or part of it) in Obsidian:

  1. Create a random bookmark (for example to the url of this page) and name it “2Obsidian”. Save it in your Favorites (bookmark bar.)
  2. Edit the bookmark, and change the url to:

On any website (select some text if you like that’s optional) click this bookmark to import into Obsidian.

Now, optionally you can set a default vault name and folder. If you want to do this you can decode the url with for example , put in your option, and encode the url again.

Unfortunately i don’t remember where i found this, so i can’t credit the original creator :’( I think i found it somwhere mentioned on the Obsidian Twitter feed…


Would really like Markdownload on Safari iOS. Might be possible with iOS 15.

Hope this helps.

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I think you can use Glasp, too!

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I use Markdownload for Firefox myself, but there is also an Obsidian clipper in the Firefox add-on Website. Just search for Obsidian. Personally, the Markdownload extension fits better, and it works with anything, not just Obsidian, but I thought I’d mention the other one since I don’t see it in these comments. xP

I assume you’re primarily talking about wanting the inline images as part of a larger selection. I haven’t found a straightforward way to manage that yet (and am still reading through the rest of the thread and trying options to see if something there does the trick). But if you just want the image…I usually just right-click it, copy, and paste it into an Obsidian note. That embeds it properly.

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What about Obsidian Web Clipper? (at least I have heard of this somewhere) Obsidian Web Clipper: How to capture web pages in one click with this bookmarklet - YouTube

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With brwoser extensions like Save Text to File we can mark a text on a web page and save it as a text or md file in a vault folder.

An other option is the readitlater Obsidian plugin. Mark text on the website and create a ReaditLater note

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It’s all helpful, until we get to pages with lots of links to follow.
If we’re clicking and saving manually, it takes too long, even with something like Fleeting Notes or ReadItLater or

What I did was to put multiple links into the clipboard and then save those into a file with the SNAPLINKS addon, and then ran

wget -e robots=off -E -k -K -p -i links.txt

But that gives a lot of separate files. Now I need to get them into MARKDOWN with backlinks.

Can I suggest Omnivore which is similar to Readwise and Pocket. The Obsidian plugin works flawlessly. There is also Dominik Pieper’s ReadItLater plug, which allows you to grab anything in your clipboard and drop it into Obsidian. Previously I was using Markdown Clipper, a Chrome addon, but I think Omnivore or ReadItLater are far superior.


Subject: Request for Keyboard Shortcuts in Obsidian Web Chrome Extension

I find it to be an incredibly useful tool for my daily note-taking needs. However, I’ve noticed that the extension currently doesn’t have support for keyboard shortcuts, or if it does, they’re not well documented.

Keyboard shortcuts can dramatically speed up the note-taking process and improve the overall user experience. I’ve used the Notion Web Clipper extension as an example, which provides a very intuitive and efficient keyboard shortcut system.

Is it possible to add this feature to the Obsidian Web Chrome extension, or if it’s already present, could you please provide some documentation on how to use it? I believe this would greatly benefit all users of the extension.

Thank you for your time and for the wonderful tool you’ve created.

I use to read and highlight web articles and use the copy button at the bottom to copy into Obsidian. It’s already in a kind of markdown format suitable for my notes, the title at the top, then the URL and then one bullet point per highlight.

There is also an API for the highlights so somebody could probably build an Obsidian integration. It would be easier though with a Capture QuickAdd that converts the copied highlights into a properly formatted note.


I was looking for this copy button but couldn’t find it. Is that only part of the paid version?

That could be. I have the paid version. If I open a bookmark, I see all the highlights and at the bottom there is one button to copy and another to save the highlights to a file.

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Ok, thanks. Might need to upgrade. :wink:

I found the export option only in the web client, not in the mobile client.

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+1 on ReadItLater plugin. I just started using it and it is awesome!!

The recently updated Surfing plugin working inside Obsidian is able to markdownify some sites (not all; e.g. Ancient-Origins) and can turn the current window into an image.

(I’m sure Omnivore has been mentioned above. If not, check it out.)

I have been using Slurp with great success. Nice clean markdown. Copy the url, open Slurp from the console and then paste. Previously was using Omnivore, but am trying to keep everything offline now. Works flawlessly.

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