Graph view: clicking a node

100% agree with this feature request, and would really really really like it please!

I’m working on building standup comedy material, and:

  1. It would be nice to click on a node and permanently highlight all the notes associated with that tag/node even if I move my mouse away.

  2. If I click on one node, then another node, it should then only highlight whichever notes/nodes are connected to BOTH those nodes.

clicking on a selected node would then deselect it.

And to add to this, one should be able to select a note or tag from, say, the search bar, and see where in your graph view that node exists. That way, you can start with a specific thought, and then use the graph view to discover interactions or a flow to your story, like the “breadcrumb-like trail” that user @ktkthakre mentioned above.

Related: Graph View UI improvements

Example: I want to see all notes related to my tag about the topic “restaurants”

Then, I also want to click “gross” so I only see which notes have “#restaurants” and “#gross” so I can look at a collection of stories where something gross happened at a restaurant

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