Getting your Reddit saved threads into your vault

You can use:

to export your reddit saved threads and then:

to get the saved comments / threads into your vault.

Then when you search all you’ll see anything related.

Unfortunately, you can’t search the resulting file because Obsidian tries to search every time you type a letter.
Also, you can’t backlink through the file because you’ll surely wnat to reimport with new saved comments later on.

However, it’s very convenient.


How can this be updated with the new Bookmarks feature?

I can’t see a smooth way to do it without

Just to clarify,
I’m looking for a smooth flow for:

Stage 1) Reddit Mobile →

Stage 2 a) Taking notes
Stage 2b) bookmarking for reading it later
Stage 2c) bookmarking for zettlekasten

Stage 3) Obsidian Vault storage

I can’t see a way to do this smoothly without

Has more than a few stages.
So does:

Omnivore is a free Read it Later, but it doesn’t format Reddit posts for reading very well IMHO:

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