I’m a really newbie in AHK and I need some help to active 2 hostrings for my dqily note’s template.
I created 2 hotstrings:
“::dd” for the note’s title:
:*:::d:: ;
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Obsidian.exe
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime, dddd dd MMMM yyyy ;
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
And “::a” for the “breadcum trail” (Alfred Snippet for @mitzimbj's Daily Notes Breadcrumb Trail)
:*:::: a:: ;
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Obsidian.exe
yest = %a_now%
yest += -1, days
FormatTime, yest, %yest%, yyyyMMdd
today = %a_now%
today += +1, days
FormatTime, today, %today%, yyyyMMdd
SendInput [[%yest%|Yesterday]] - [[%today%|Tomorrow]]
I create a template in my obsidian with these 2 hotstrings for my daily note
Otherwise, when I create the note (with the template) the hotstrings are not been remplaced (I guess because i didn’t “write” them)
How can I fix it?