Full Calendar Plugin - replicate Google Calendar in your Vault

I have the same error and at, line 28 of calendar.ts can’t destructure ‘eventClick’ from an apparently undefined object. This can be fixed by using this example instead :

this.container.style.minHeight = "800px";
const { renderCalendar } = app.plugins.plugins["obsidian-full-calendar"];
let calendar = renderCalendar(this.container, [[{start: new Date(), id: "id", title: "Now and for an hour"}]],  {});

(I have added an {} settings to the renderCalendar function)

I have it working but took the latest build from the repo as there were some issues with the last release.

This is how I am using it to load a CSV file and display the week.

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Hi @sytone, @Bleh, @Abe, and @pburgos, the fix for the dataview snippet is now available in version 0.5.2. You can find documentation for it here: Dataview integration - Obsidian Full Calendar I hope that helps!

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I also would like to announce that Obsidian Full Calendar is now available in the community plugin list! Click here to install.

You can find a fully revamped documentation site here: Obsidian Full Calendar.

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This is beyond awesome. One of the killer Database views Notion had was Calendar views and full-calendar brings it to Obsidian :smiley:


Davish -

If you know how to make FC render in Obsidian with “Monday” first … that would be most appreciated.

Support for the .ics standard and ability to read .ics Cal URLs is great.

Thx for creating good stuff.


Any ideas for how a non-coder might enable more advanced Views from the core project as described here?


This is all great and further to my 2 posts it occurs to me that more customization “Options” enable-able in the “Options” section for the OBS Plugin besides the addition of new Calendars would be magnificent.

Enabling as many options from the project would, I suspect, make it a Smash Hit in the Obsidian ecosystem.

And it would drive paying corporate uptake from enterprise situated users of Obsidian.

Thank you for Excellent and prospective work!

it’d be awesome if under the ‘list’ tab, i could have the option to see all events within a specified time frame like the next 30-60-90 days.

Love this plugin so far, excited for read/write ics if that’s the plan.

Regarding recurring events, is there no way to add annual events like birthdays?

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I’m excited to announce Full Calendar 0.6! Thanks to @dojoteef on GitHub, Full Calendar now supports one-way sync with private Apple Calendars, along with any calendar that uses the CalDAV protocol over HTTP basic authentication. While remote calendars are still read-only, CalDAV is a two-way protocol supported by Google, Apple, and other cloud calendar hosts, so this is a really big step towards the much-requested two-way calendar sync!

The most recent update also includes the ability to set the first day of the week to another day besides Sunday, thanks to another PR by @JeremieSpiesser on GitHub :slight_smile:

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Wow, looks awesome!

Is there a way to also include Obsidian tasks (via the tasks plugin) into the calendar for time blocking?

I’m also a big user of the tasks plugin, and this is definitely on the roadmap. The next big feature in that direction is adding support for multiple events inline in a single note. Tasks should fall out of that feature pretty easily :slight_smile:


First of all, thank you for making such a nice plugin.
In the settings, when I say add apple calendar (icloud), I write the mail and password of my apple account in the window that appears.

However, I am getting the error message:

“There was an error loading a calendar. Check the console for full details”

Where am I doing wrong?
I would really appreciate if you can help.


Hi, you try with an App-specific password?

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I tried with both my apple account and password and obsidian account name and password, but the same error message appears.
I couldn’t understand why.
What should I do?

There should be no reason to enter your Obsidian account details.

@fmecklenburg had the correct suggestion to try. App-specific passwords. It’s a special password you generate for an app to use, so you don’t have to reveal your Apple password to any app. The steps are here:

I’m trying this plugin out now, seems to have a lot of potential. For the easily distracted and forgetful among us, would this have similar features as Day Planner such as Day View in the sidebar, desktop notifications when next task has begun, etc?

Thanks again for the wonderful plugin!

Hi @davish, thank you for this great plugin, I have been wanting this since the first day of using Obsidian :grin:

Two things from my side:

  • I would love to translate it into my own language, Dutch. Is there any way I can do that or help you do that?

  • In The Netherlands we use the 24h time format, is there a way to switch from am/pm to 24h? If there isn’t, would it be really difficult to add that to the plugin?

Kind regards,


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Another appreciative Full Calendar user here:
it looks like there is already a request for 24hr time on GitHub. I’d also like that option!

My current (slightly ugly) workaround is to start my event names with the 24hr time so that the notes sort nicely in the file explorer and the 24-hr time is visible on the calendar as part of the event name. E.g. if I had a call this afternoon I might type 1500 call for xyz in the event name/title field. It just adds an extra step, since I still have to set the time fields in the form, but it helps me when looking back at things or trying to link to an event note when I only remember the time!

Edit: I have no idea how translations work for plugins; I hope the developer can answer!

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