@cristian I can see you have been really busy with this recently!
I downloaded the latest version today and I think separating out the server from the plugin is a great idea.
I got one of my own scripts (TF-IDF similarity) and running this evening and it didn’t take long at all.
Looking at what you have now I guess the closest thing would be a nice visual interface to set the configurations of new endpoints.
But I would say this is “a nice to have” rather than essential.
I feel like this covers most of the requirements I had in mind.
Working on instructions to make it even easier for people to setup could be handy, but you have already done a pretty great job here.
Some things stood out:
- Probably should rename the random.py name because it causes issues with using ‘import random’
- Some of my scripts can be a bit process heavy and take some time. It could be cool to show some kind of loading indicator within obsidian.
something like:
As a user
When I run a script
While it’s running I would some indication it’s being processed
So that I know its running in the background
This could be achieved by pasting some text in the note e.g. “Processing” which is then replaced or removed when the task is completed.
I’m going to play with this more but i’m just so impressed by what you have done so far.
I’m trying to think how we get this plugin out to a bigger audience.
For those who got stuck on the broken link above you can get it here - GitHub - cristianvasquez/obsidian-lab