Hi I am not able to open any of files which I have created in the last 2 years. I am able to create a new note file, but not able to open any existing one.
Could you please help me in resolving this issue?
Hi I am not able to open any of files which I have created in the last 2 years. I am able to create a new note file, but not able to open any existing one.
Could you please help me in resolving this issue?
I am *nix and I might have tried renaming .obsidian in vault to _obsidian.
Sorry didn’t get the suggested fix. Could you please elaborate?
I am surprised you both are having this issue at the same time?
Did you use some canvas related plugin?
Did you update plugins recently?
The error>
Simply open my canvas file that I’ve been working on. Opening the file leads to an error, meaning I have lost the documentation of my progress for a project.
I’ve tried making copies,
renaming them ensuring it’s the correct file extension.
Tried on both mac and PC, all lead to the same error.
Hand Project 2025 From Recovery.zip (4.1 KB)
Here is the canvas text from a recovery file that I tried to turn into a canvas file.
“Your Vault Folder”:
Contains the .obsidian folder (which may be hidden).
This folder stores all your plugins, settings, and other essential Obsidian data.
Renaming the Vault Folder:
Essentially creates a backup of your current vault settings
Obsidian will automatically recreate the .obsidian folder with its default settings." when you reopen/recreate a vault.
Else simply create a copy of existing obsidian notes folder and now from this newly created (copied) folder delete .obsidian (Since we already have backup) . Try recreating vault and see it that resolves issue
Maybe share one of your old canvas files with the public/developers to see what happened with your canvas file.
In my experience, this kind of error happen with outdated plugins. A workaround is to deactivate and reactivate said plugin.
Old canvas files should be readable.
No one seemed to answer these questions above. It might help narrow down a cause.
No I didn’t update any plugin explicitly nor using any canvas related plugin. It just stopped working one day and started giving the above error.
Also renaming the .obsidian hidden folder to _obsidian folder didn’t help in resolving the above issue.
I got the same error. Fixed it by turning off and on the community plugins
Hi I haven’t enabled any community plugins.
I have the same error it happens with the new version when just I try to open a note in a new window.
app.js:1 Uncaught Error: Invalid value function a(...l){return s===o&&n[t]===a&&c(),s.apply(this,l)}
for setting options.open
at e.exports [as setOptions] (app.js:1:164426)
at new c (app.js:1:162509)
at pS (app.js:1:864397)
at app.js:1:1478774
at e.parseSync (app.js:1:1479292)
at e.onRender (app.js:1:1480687)
app.js:1 Error: Invalid value function a(...l){return s===o&&n[t]===a&&c(),s.apply(this,l)}
for setting options.open
at e.exports [as setOptions] (app.js:1:164426)
at new c (app.js:1:162509)
at pS (app.js:1:864397)
at app.js:1:2694459
at new t (app.js:1:2694500)
at t.createItemDom (app.js:1:2702486)
at t.update (app.js:1:2703216)
at t. (app.js:1:1322282)
at app.js:1:239667
at Object.next (app.js:1:239772)
Can you output the result of the command “show debug info”?
Are you using any third party sync solution (iCloud or similar)?
List of community plugins
Editing Toolbar - Provides a useful tool bar for normal documents in Obsidian
Image Layouts - Allow to image manipulation in Obsidian
Importer - Lets me manually import all my work form another document software (disabled)
Projects - Project planner
Remotely Save - Lets me have my obsidian save file saved on a server that I can access from any device
Remotely Sync - Lets me have my obsidian save file saved on a server that I can access from any device (Disabled)
Style Settings - Themes
I’ve disabled all plugins except for Remotely save as it’s how I sync my work between devices, and also where I store all my files.
I’ve no specific Canvas plugins
Creating a copy and using another Vault results in the same issue.
obsidian.md-1738647297878.zip (874 Bytes)
Here is a .log file
Open Obsidian > clicked to open canvas > (gets error) > Saves error as log file.