I’m running the standard Windows firewall. I haven’t had any problems like this until today.
Running another instance of Obsidian, an older version, on the same local network and on another Windows 10 machine works fine - I can update and browse plugins.
Just to finish off and in case anyone else has this problem: I started from scratch as @WhiteNoise suggests above. And I got my insider status back by entering my details into Account.
I’m now back to the latest insider build v0.11.6. And I can load and browse community plugins as before.
It seems an odd problem to me. I’d be interested to know why it happened.
Same issue here with me too. I don’t have any issue with network. Checked it. I don’t live in China, so not behind any firewall too. I had uninstalled the application and started again. I went though almost all the threads on this community plugin error related issue but don’t seem to find a solution. Till date, Obsidian was smooth but this issue seems to be with the update.