'Extract Note' should have its own new note location setting and not use the current new note setting

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Use case or problem

The extract note feature needs the same option/drop-down for the new note location as creating a new note directly. I have new notes set to a specific folder (an inbox/triage), but if I’m splitting a note then I want the newly extracted note to be in the folder I’m working in. For example, if I’m splitting a seedbox (folder) note then I’m creating two seedbox notes, if I’m splitting a definition (folder) note, then I’m creating two definitions, etc.

Proposed solution

Add exactly the same drop-down/setting for extract note that is present for new notes. This setting defines the location of the new note when the extract note function is used

Current workaround (optional)

Extract the note, then find it in the new note location and move it to where I want it to be (which is always the folder I’ve started from in my case/workflow).

Related feature requests (optional)

Not a feature request, but a bug with the current way this feature works which is slated to be fixed in 0.12.6: Extract note does not honor "same folder as current file"

1 Like

from template plugin should help