Exclude links to headers and blocks in graph

I often want to prune my graph down to just the direct relationships between major topics. The notes I work with overlap and mention one another extensively, to the point that if I show every single link between them I can’t see the forest for the trees. The main themes get masked.

If a topic has only a glancing relationship to another, I link to the header rather than the whole note. Is there a way to “prune” those links out when displaying the graph?


I have a very similar need. I’m modeling a tree structure as a graph. Each note has a single “up” link and 0…n “down” links:


I want to somehow indicate that the “upward” link to be excluded from the graph view, but of course graph just treats it like any other outward link. My workaround is to use the backlinks panel rather than the upward link but the usability of that isn’t what I’d hope for potential users of the resulting vault.

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Isn’t there any way to create “technical” internal links that don’t show up in the graph? For example, I find it convenient to make names and some rare terms refer to the relevant notes just so that when I read I can quickly clarify what they’re about. But such references make no conceptual sense. When such references are displayed on a graph, they only clutter it up.

Is there some workaround to solve this problem?


This would be very helpful. If the graph could show headings, like in this request Display headings and blocks in graph view , it would be plausible that there would be some way to filter the heading links.
