Edit transcluded (embedded) notes (blocks) in place (likely requires WYSWYG first)

It’s a plugin job.

Mark a surrounding selection with start/end syntax that doesn’t get rendered in read mode.

XML example of the ‘source’ block:

<snippet id="123456">
## H2 Heading
_italics subtitle_
Some content

the wrapping syntax can contain an identifier 123456 that is referenced by a downstream line of syntax (a placeholder), and this should get replaced with the ‘source’ block when rendered in read mode.

Downstream raw file:

# This is a markdown file title 

<useSnippet id="123456" />


# This is a markdown file title 

## H2 Heading
_italics subtitle_
Some content

Someone else feel free to implement, I’m lazy :upside_down_face:

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make.md plugin have this feat

Yes, but it chokes on my vault size and transcluding 50 chapters into a book, which is what I would use it for.

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For those interested: I’ve created a proof of concept plugin that mirrors blocks; not complete editable transclusion but can e.g. work great for synced tasks: Obsidian plugin to mirror blocks (e.g. synced tasks)


Hello, yes. Sorry for the late reply. This should be a big news to everyone here. Boninall has just incorporated this exact feature into their Outliner View plugin. I’ve been testing it and it’s working exactly how I want it, and seamless too! Try it out for yourself: GitHub - Quorafind/Outliner-View: An outliner for Obsidian and this works locally in Obsidian like Workflowy\Dynalist\Mubu


THIS IS IT! This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. And it’s so seamless. I also love that you can toggle off everything else the plugin does.

Any insight into what the plugin is actually doing to enable this? There isn’t a ton of documentation yet.

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Oh nice, someone’s actually done it!

Holy smokes, this works so well!! Thanks for sharing.

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A quick tip for anybody with a use-case like mine:

My interest is in carrying over a running to-do list within my daily note. After a few different iterations I’ve landed on putting the embed inside a callout box which lets me style the list different and can start automatically closed/collapsed.

This is pretty much a game changer for me and so cool that Obsidian now has this functionality. It’s working exactly how I wanted.

I love that plugins can solve problems like this. Though I’m still curious how this is being implemented and why so many others failed where this plugin succeeds… I’m super impressed!

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FYI, the latest Obsidian Desktop Insider release v.1.7.0 (Obsidian 1.7.0 Desktop (Early access) - Obsidian) includes something similar to editable embedded notes/blocks:

  • You can now click inside a page preview to edit in-place.

This is more similar to Hover Editor, but it means the devs are actively thinking about code/ideas that may be very related to this FR of editable embeds. Perhaps now is a good time to voice your interest in getting editable embedded transclusions too so they consider extending the current work.


I would also very much love to see some version of this feature implemented. The page preview editor is helpful, but it doesn’t quite check all the boxes. Logseq’s comparable feature is mentioned above, but my personal point of reference is Scrivener’s scrivenings view, which lets you flexibly aggregate multiple files into a kind of virtual document that can then be edited, with the edits also being reflected in the individual files.

This goes way beyond simple editable transclusions, but… it could be interesting to implement this sort of feature on the canvas, where you could order cards, merge and separate them as your writing progresses – kind of a mix of Scrivener’s scrivenings and pinboard views – and then compile everything into a single document when you’re happy with the overall structure.


Well said. Here’s another voice for editable embeds.


Check out the Continuous Mode and Longform plugins. Imo this is a separate feature from editable transclusions.

The outliner plugin is promising but suffers from multiple issues.

Sometimes when typing ![[ and mousing over the list, it disappears and prevents you from selecting a note.

There is no way to visually identify the difference between an embed and the present note other than the tiny link icon at the top right which is easily missed.

It suggests you can use style settings but there’s no style settings section.

And more…

I will post what I find on the github. Hopefully they continue to develop it because I currently don’t trust it’s not going to mess something up unintentionally.