Edit transcluded (embedded) notes (blocks) in place (likely requires WYSWYG first)

There is only a plugin for code blocks that seems to show title but I haven’t tried it as I don’t need to use code blocks. I reported it here as a request. But I wish this could be a feature of Obsidian. I wish it was easy to jump back and forth from destination to source and back easily without operating panels. Working with some links in panels is good when making structures and organizing but not so good when just reading and learning. I will leave this remark as my request.

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Agree and not just because we have the same name.

The MAKE.md solution is elegant but buggy; having this as a functional core feature would be next-level.

edit 2023-08-30_1603-55: by “next-level”, I mean it would improve the efficiency of maintaining notes, their usability, and potential growth.


I do think the Obsidian team is undervaluing just how much the ability to seamlessly edit embeds would skyrocket Obsidian to a new userbase. It is such an awesome feature to the point that it’s one of those things that sets a piece of software apart from the rest.

Make.md is too broken and buggy to use (even if you disable all its options except the embed edit feature it leaves other things on and mucks things up in ways that it shouldn’t, so it’s a non-starter. Anybody who recommends this plugin implicitly reveals themselves as someone who suggests things before trying them for more than a second). As for the Hover Editor, it’s a very clunky workaround because it only works using hover which means you either have to deal with the popup constantly showing up when you move through a document OR you increase the delay to the point that it’s out of the way but no longer useful.

The ability to edit embeds natively would completely EXPLODE obsidian to a new level and it’s GUARANTEED to stir a buzz up about Obsidian - more than a new logo, that’s for sure.


I do know of around 100+ other users who would want this from a CEO that tested Obsidian as an internal wiki tool whos pain point was having the ability to update data everywhere with once (eg: transclusions).

I showed her Obsidian but she opted out due to not having this feature.

If you combine it with this post and reddit, we’re looking at 200+ people at least who are voting for this. At least that I know of!


Yeah this is probably the most important feature that Obsidian devs should be working on right now, bar none.


I wonder if this would be easier if devs moved to inline embeds: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/a-proposal-for-rendering-block-embeds-inline/


Hello, everyone.

I started to use the Make.md plugin and their Flow functionality works quite well.

@jmbenedetto How long have you used it?

tempting to try and rip the flow editor out of make.md so it’s a “does one thing only” plugin


Yes, please do. (make.md developer)

I’ve also repeatedly mentioned how great it’d be if Obsidian just implemented it in core.

Just to provide context, the flow feature in make.md was a pre-requisite to get wysiwyg tables and some other features for make.md. Allowing editing notes was a bonus since it was minimal work and was highly requested.


Most of the issues with the flow feature comes when other plug-ins gets involved due to how different plug-ins target the editing view differently (and certain things like keyboard bindings).

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hey thanks for replying.

I’m curious if you might have any comments on your design of the editable transclusion feature in make.md, such as any of: high level explanation of the solution, challenges or particularly interesting parts, tips for a possible obsidian implementation, or how you would do it differently if writing it again from scratch?


The basic flow for flow editor is:

  • Spawn a new leaf from Obsidian (check HoverEditor, the leaf spawning implementation is based on it)
  • Replace the embed in the markdown view by parsing the markdown and replacing the found syntax with the a codemirror widget containing the new leaf DOM
  • Load the file into the leaf
  • Add listeners for view height changes, certain keyboard events, active editor changes, block level information changes if it’s block/heading level

There’s a lot of special considerations, some of which are not implemented since I’ve been focused on getting the rest of make.md to 1.0 instead.

If you’re serious about this, feel free to either open an issue on make.md github or send me a message on discord @jpc, I’m happy to answer questions. I don’t usually logon to the forum, probably every once in a few months.


It would be nice to hear from the Obsidian devs where this feature request stands in their line of sight, seeing as people are beginning to consider building plugins. I would hate to see someone (like zerkshop) spend an inordinate amount of time developing this feature as a standalone plugin only to find Obsidian implementing it in the near future. The ability to edit transclusions stands among the most active feature requests on the forum right now, after all, and has been marked as “valuable”.

Is there no word from any Obsidian dev in this entire thread?

I get the sense that addressing this FR would involve also addressing how transclusions are done at the foundation. Given that the only way to reference blocks right now is with a plugin that adds ugly strings of text (e.g. ^f93j4f) to our blocks, I get the feeling that the entire embed/transclusion functionality in Obsidian is due for a major overhaul. At this point it feels more like scrapbooking than any kind of modern technology.


+1 to this. Currently working on a project for YouTube where being able to directly edit transcluded files would save me a ton of pointless jumping around.


This could satisfy an element of one of my feature requests: Note Composer enhancement: Cut and paste block/line from search

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Encourage everyone to download and use this plugin for copying and pasting block and section links.

Given the complexity of developing an editable transclude, the topic of future proofing, markdown standards, and the relatively few folks that use internal links (I’d wager most folks don’t grok transclusion), I doubt this ability will rise above anytime soon.


+1 I think this would really save me some time for referencing characteristics for my characters in my novel.


+1 I really need this. As someone who transitioned from notion, it’s something have become used to. Embeds are fine but I dislike the indentation. The notion auto sync blocks are the best.


Did you use css to remove the purple indent?