Plz tell. How i can clone active tab? Just clone like click middle button on the same file in file manager to open another tab of the same file. Need addon or keyboard method.
In command palette, “Split right” or “Split down”. The duplicate tab will appear in a new group. As with any command, you can assign them to a hotkey.
I know this method, but it is “Split” tab. Need just duplicate tab. Like right click on tab on firefox and “duplicate tab” method.
And how do they differ besides different wording? When you do the split it’ll show you two open tabs for the same file, and isn’t that what you’re asking for?
They differ in that, in addition to duplication of the tab, the screen is still divided into 2. I can do this. This is useful for another case, but not this time. In this case, I still need a duplicate tab without closing this separation of the second screen.
I miss this feature too.
It would be awesome if drag a tab while pressing alt duplicate it on drop
So the current workaround would be to “Split right”, and drag it back to the current tab group? Since I’m using the mouse to do the split right option, it’s not taking me a whole lot of extra time to then drag it back to current tab group afterwards.
Other than that workaround, I’m guessing you might implement a command to do this if you know some coding, or possible a plugin like Pane relief provide you with some commands making it possible to do from there?
Out of curiosity, what are you using the duplicate tab for?
I miss that option too.
@CawlinTeffid often duplicate a tab in other apps to check something somewhere else in the page without moving position in the original tab. I generally encounter this use case on very long and dense pages.
Splitting is not always the best when the screen is already divided to show another note or that Obsidian itself is not split. See example below.
Example 1
Example 2
Example in case of duplicate tab using split (not enough room is available on screen)
Example 1
Example 2
Here’s a possible workaround (tho I suspect it won’t satisfy).
Open Quick Switcher. Before you type anything, it shows a list of recently changed notes. Typically the current note is at the top (because you’ve been using it), and the top item is highlighted by default. Press Cmd/Ctrl Return to open the selected note in a new tab next to the existing one.
A more mouse-based variation is to press the New Tab button (the + at the end of the row of tabs), press “Go to file” (opens the Quick Switcher) and click the current file listed in it. This creates the new tab at the end of the list of tabs.
Of course if you’ve only been viewing the note and not editing it, it may not be the most recent item or in the list at all, making this less useful.
If this approach doesn’t suit you and you haven’t searched the plugins recently to see if there’s one that enables what you want, it may be worth doing that.