Double-click or drag tags onto a note

Would love to see the ability to drag or double-click one a tag to add it to a note. It’s seriously redundant to type and select tags.


Same here. As @bakari45 suggests, dragging a tag from the tag list to a note (say in the editor and or the search field) would be great. Zotero has a nice implementation of this allowing several items to be dragged to a tag confers the tag to each of them. Obsidian with search, backlinks, tags, aliases is already great – but adding a drag functionality for tags would make things easier to use.


I agree, this would be extremely useful.

Implementation-wise, dragging a tag onto a note (or vice versa) could result in the tag being added to the front matter, for example.

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I would like to add to this feature, where after selecting multiple tags to search files that have all of these tags, you can create new files with all those tags already applied.

I was thinking of dragging the tags from the search file onto the new file or something similar.