I’m familiar enough with these modifiers, so now they just get in the way. Also, since “path:” is highlighted by default, what often happens is I hit ENTER to actuate a search, but instead, Obsidian inserts an unwanted path: into my search field.
The popup appears whenever the field is empty OR a space is typed. It also appears when you activate your “Search” hotkey if there is already some text in the search field. I guess having it there when the field is 100% empty is fine, but I definitely don’t want it popping up every time I press the spacebar or hit my Find hotkey.
but that’s going to get rid of the History section that shows up under the Search options as well. I guess if you don’t use History and know the options, you could try that. You can refer to your first screenshot if you forget them.
That’s a creative idea but sadly, all it does it hide the box, the functionality is still there, meaning if you press ENTER you will still get the word path: inserted into your search query.