Design talk about the Graph View

The timelapse animation as loading screen when opening the graph view

When I open the graph view, it takes about 15 seconds to load. 8 seconds where nothing happens, and another 7 seconds where the graph appears partially loaded and nothing happens.

I’d prefer the graph view to open immediately with the timelapse animation. This way, the timelapse animation could serve as a kind of (pretty) loading screen. A visual indicator could appear on screen to tell me that the graph is fully loaded (so as not to interrupt the timelapse animation in case I do want to let it run).

Option to view the local graph nodes as a checkbox list

When the local graph has a lot of nodes, it’s hard to navigate and work with.

Possible solution:

There could be an option to display all the visible nodes of the local graph as a (sortable) checkbox list. By unchecking items on the list, you’d make the corresponding nodes disappear from the local graph.

There could even be an option to color individual nodes from the list to make them stand out, or even change their shape (eg I’d be able to choose to see some nodes as triangles instead of circles).

I need this function:

Something that acts like this one on google maps:



There are a LOT of great suggestions here. My immediate newbie need is just to zoom in and out in finer increments. Is there a way to do this that I’ve missed? In my case the scroll on the mouse jumps from too small to too large in just three clicks of the wheel. A finely controllable zoom slider below the ‘settings’ cog would be great.

Secondly, it seems the the ‘restore settings’ icon is too close to the close window. You could easily click the wrong one.

Thirdly, when you open the settings it should automatically close when you click on the graph, instead of having to scroll up to get to the close button.

Option to save color groups

I have created an elaborate color group for my graph.

2022-09-03 10_32_30-Window

I’d like to create more groups, with different color configurations to gain different insights into my data, and I’d like to switch back and forth between different configurations.

The problem is, creating the color groups every time is much too laborious. Ideally, I’d be able to create multiple color groups once, save them, and then be able to quickly switch between them.

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I haven’t checked into this at all, but it seems likely this is saved somewhere you can access from the app object in Javascript. If you have a browse around it in the console, you might be able to discover where, and be able to get/set it.

Then you could change the groups from anywhere you can run Javascript - the buttons plugin, Templater, Dataview, etc.

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Thank you, Alan. I’m not into coding. If someone does it, I’d be very interested to learn how.

I wonder if there’s a plug-in that allows people to easily tweak various aspects of Obsidian (for non-coders). A bit like how certain websites allow you to build websites without knowing how to code. I’d be especially interested in something like this for the graph view.

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If it helps you or someone else, I just had a quick poke and here’s how you can retrieve the current settings:

const settings = await app.internalPlugins.plugins.graph.loadData()
dv.el('pre', settings.colorGroups)

Put this into a note and it will display all of the custom groups in your graph.

There’s a function app.internalPlugins.plugins.graph.saveData() to re-save the data after you’ve updated it, but I don’t know the format to get that to function. It saves the new data without issues, but the graph view itself doesn’t update.

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@danitrusca here you go :slight_smile:

Use my earlier code to get the details of your current groups.

Then put this into a note, and it will update all your graph groups to be the two groups specified in the below code, #some-query and #another-query.

Now you can just follow the structure here to update the groups as you wish.

const graph = app.internalPlugins.plugins.graph
const settings = await graph.loadData()
settings.colorGroups = [
        "query": "#some-query",
        "color": {
            "a": 1,
            "rgb": 16185856
        "query": "#another-query",
        "color": {
            "a": 1,
            "rgb": 16187906
await graph.saveData(settings)
await graph.disable()
await graph.enable()

Create a couple of different notes with the groups that you want, and just load one of the notes to change all your groups. Or instead you could put the code in a Templater script and launch it from a hotkey.

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Random note for the graph view

The default random note feature opens a random note (it would be nice to have the option to open the random note in a new tab).

It would be beautiful to have a similar feature for the graph view. Only, instead of opening the random note, the graph would be centered on it (preserving the current zoom level).

The option could work both for the global and the local graph.

Option to turn the current graph (global or local) into a canvas

The option would create a canvas containing all the notes visible on the (global or local) graph, with or without connections between those nodes.

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A post was split to a new topic: Questions about Graph View

Human vision process form, size, and color. The graph is only using two of these. I think that forms could enrich the graph a lot.
That way, you can define types and differentiate between them, like you can differentiate between a tree and a house, even if both are green and the same size.

P.S. Sorry if I duplicate someone else’s suggestion, this is my first post, and I have not explored this forum yet.

Option to add Obsidian graphs to a canvas

I’d love to be able to add filtered Obsidian graphs to my canvases.

Possible solution: There could be another option at the bottom of the canvas to add an Obsidian graph. When you choose the option, you are shown a search field to filter the graph; if you leave it empty, you are shown the global graph.

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Page-Relative Local-Graph Filtering

Right now, you can only filter the local graph globally – the filter applies to all pages.
I’d find it useful if there was an option to also filter the local graph for individual pages separately such that, when I visit different pages, different filters are automatically applied.

How this could work
On a page, in the local graph menu, there is an option to add a local search field underneath the global search field. The local search field overrides the global one – while the local field is active, the global one is disabled for that page. Every time you visit the page, the local filter is automatically applied.

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Cool idea! Maybe if there were presets that could be saved and made available to load in other notes. It kind of makes me think of this request: Convert graph filters/settings to query. I definitely like the idea of it remembering these different sets of values that were set with such care for various purposes.


Colored search results

The graph color groups essentially color search results, but the output is only shown on the graph. As an option, the graph color groups could also color the main search results (in the left side-menu).

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Graph quick search/filtering

Pressing Ctrl + F on a page allows you to search within the page. Similarly (and intuitively), pressing Ctrl + F on the graph could open a search box that allows you to search within the graph.

Unlike the page search, the graph search box could have options:


  • This could work similarly to searching within a page, where you can cycle between results or choose to highlight all of them.
  • There could be options to control the style of the highlighting; for instance, one option could be to show the highlighted nodes normally and the rest of the nodes faded out.

Quick Filtering

  • This could filter the graph.
  • There could be 2 options: filtering based on page content (similarly to typing in the graph search field), or filtering based only on page titles (filter-as-you-type).
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Some of the function has
3D Graph Plugin
created by @yomaru GitHub

10:00 Structure orientation

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