One thing is “what we want”, other thing is “what is possible” or “what we can achieve with the created structure of metadata”.
Considering your custom metadata:
- Time:: 14:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.01
- Summary:: Summary 1
- Time:: 16:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.02
- Summary:: Summary 2
- Time:: 22:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.03
- Summary:: Summary 3
This is equivalent to:
- 14:00
- 16:00
- 22:00
- DT-01.01.01
- DT-01.01.02
- DT-01.01.03
- Summary 1
- Summary 2
- Summary 3
So, the only groups you have are by fields (an array/list of values in each field).
There are no “pseudo-groups” Time-Scene-Summary, this means, for example, there’s no direct relation between Time:: 14:00
, Scene:: DT-01.01.01
and Summary:: Summary 1
… only the order/position.
We can try something with that, but isn’t a simple one.
To do that you need to add a header to each group. For example:
## part 1
- Time:: 14:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.01
- Summary:: Summary 1
## part 2
- Time:: 16:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.02
- Summary:: Summary 2
## part 3
- Time:: 22:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.03
- Summary:: Summary 3
The query to test the new structure:
TABLE WITHOUT ID rows.file.link[0] AS File, rows.L.Time[0] as Time, rows.L.Scene[1] as Scene, rows.L.Summary[2] as Summary
FROM "your-folder-path"
WHERE file.lists
FLATTEN file.lists AS L
WHERE contains(meta(L.section).subpath, "part")
GROUP BY file.name + meta(L.section).subpath
SORT rows.file.name ASC