What I’m trying to do
I have notes with several instances of the same key but a different value.
I was hoping to have a dataview query that makes a row, repeating the file name, for every instance of the key.
I want to order both filename and key.
Example sample note:
# 1 January 1400
- Time:: 14:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.01
- Summary:: Summary 1
- Time:: 16:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.02
- Summary:: Summary 2
- Time:: 22:00
- Scene:: DT-01.01.03
- Summary:: Summary 3
So far I have this query:
Table Time, Summary
From "Path-where-these-files-live"
Sort file.name asc, Time asc
This gives me a table ordered by file.name, and in the second and third column a bullet-list with the values of the corresponding keys.
I’d like to have three rows, repeating the filename, for each instance of Time