Dataview and Tasks queries don't work on mobile app

BLUF: It would be very helpful if Dataview or Tasks plugin queries worked on the mobile version of Obsidian.

I would be very appreciative if someone would be able to share their insight or method for solving some of the following issues I am having. I am on the verge of being able to use solely Obsidian for basically everything (journaling, information storage, and task management). Right now I still have to rely on Google Calendar for recurring tasks. I can’t seem to get Outliner, Dataview, and Tasks plugins to provide what I need. However, that might only be because I don’t know what I’m doing.

This is the least important issue I’m having, but Outliner doesn’t seem to work at all on desktop or mobile. It doesn’t zoom in and create a breadcrumb trail at the top of the page when I click the buttons or vertical lines. I have ensured that the plugin’s setting is set to enable this function instead of folding or none.

There doesn’t seem to be an option for recurring tasks for Dataview tasks and the queries don’t populate on mobile. The queries work perfectly on the desktop version of Obsidian.

I can make recurring tasks with the Tasks plugin, but the queries still don’t work on mobile.

I have tried to only look at the raw tasks in a to-do list file on mobile. But, that negates the selling point some people make about creating a task anywhere in any file as soon as you think of it. Also, tasks created with the Tasks plugin (so I can benefit from recurring tasks) are appended with the due date. So, I can’t sort my manual task list file by the due date using the Sort & Permute plugin.

I’m going in circles. It would be very beneficial for me if queries worked on mobile (I assume this is would need to be solved by the people who made Obsidian, if they would be so kind), the Dataview plugin handled recurring tasks or the Tasks plugin supported prepended dates so I could sort my tasks by the due date with the Sort & Permute plugin.

Thank you for your time.

Outliner had a buggy update recently. I’m not sure whether it has been fixed yet. I’ve had to disable it in my setup for the present. :frowning:

That’s weird, they work for me! What version of Obsidian do you have on mobile, and are your Dataview and Tasks plugins up to date? How do the queries appear on mobile? Blank box? Error message? …?

I have version 1.2.2 of Obsidian on mobile and version 0.14.15 on my desktop. I am using OneSync and OneDrive together to keep my vault synchronized on mobile. I was trying to avoid paying for Obsidian Sync unless Obsidian worked for me. If I have to do that, I will because Obsidian is really worth it and I was already happy to pay for Dynalist until I found Obsidian.

The query just shows the text in the query. It doesn’t matter if I toggle between edit and reading mode or toggle the “Toggle Live Preview/Source mode” option.

Thanks, that’s useful information! One more set of questions:
In your community plugins settings on mobile, do Tasks and Dataview show as up-to-date?
Do their settings tabs look like they match the settings you have on Desktop?

Thank you! You helped me figure it out. I didn’t see the community plugins on mobile at all. It turns out that I had mapped OneSync to one directory higher than the actual vault. So, I just had to map it to the actual directory of my vault and then the queries worked. Thanks again.

Another quick question. I assume using Obsidian sync is better than OneSync and more like synching in Dynalist. But, have you had any issues with using Obsidian sync?

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I’m so glad you got it working!
Unfortunately, I have no personal knowledge or advice about different sync options. There are lots of posts about them here on the forum (you could try searching in the #sync tag), and I imagine also on Discord, Reddit, and the various other places folks discuss Obsidian - hopefully you can find what you want to know!

It would need to be solved by the plugin authors (if it hadn’t already been solved in this thread).

Before I saw that your problem was solved, I changed the post title to include the relevant plugin names (to avoid confusion with normal Search queries) and added the “data view” tag.

I use Obsidian Sync and am happy with it. The issues I’ve seen are:

  • It will automatically merge conflicted versions, which is good, but sometimes leaves a small mess (duplicated or slightly misplaced text).
  • On Mobile you have to open the right side pane to see the sync status icon. Feature request with details on why that’s annoying: [Mobile] Make Sync icon always visible
  • On IOS/iPadOS, can only sync when Obsidian is the currently active app.

For me these mainly affect my daily note, which I change throughout the day on multiple devices.

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