I didn’t get any feedback so changes are based on my personal workflow. Some changes
weekly calendar in weekly and daily notes is replaced with monthly view, as I didn’t find it useful, but it add a lot of noise with backlinks
week and month tasks are embedded in weekly and daily notes. This is to be a reminder of higher level tasks in a single place.
“Finalise this week” replaced with “Finalise last week”, as you don’t need to wait the end of the week to tick it off. You do it at the start of the week. So you week starts with a tick
few little things
I’m open for suggestions.
Because of less backlinks, the graph doesn’t look like a chain any more unfortunately.
One thing that I’ve started experimenting with is using canvas to make a month daily note dashboard. So far two weeks in I’m really starting to see the benefits of seeing it all layed out Infront of me. The context that you get from it is great.
I’m planning on updating this post at the end of the month to give more info on how it’s gone.
But I thought this would be the next evolution of your method now that Canvas is here
this is great! did you also use templater for this? i’d love to customise this for myself. (i love that you’ve supplied a whole year of pages, but it’s more helpful for me if i don’t create notes for days in the future )
i’m still seeing how much of my workflow i want to switch from notion to obsidian – one of the things i still haven’t figure out how to work in is my “weekly note” template, see below. this organiser of yours feels similar to what i want to make!
while i’ve been struggling with templater and figuring out how to embed notes for this, i came to realise that i mainly think in weeks – the monthly note just gathers up the weeklies, and the weeklies depend on the daily notes (but it’s more helpful for me to see my daily notes in the context of the week).
have yet to figure out how to implement this notion template of mine into obsidian. thanks to dataview, etc there’s actually a few more things i’d like to throw into my daily notes (they’re currently implemented as different calendar databases in notion)…
Wow that’s awesome! Did you use templater (or other plugins) to create all the notes? In this case could you share your templates as I’d like to add some other infos in the daily/weekly/montly notes to suit my needs?
I wrote a custom script in ruby to generate the files. Unfortunately it’s not user friendly yet. I’ll make it more usable when there is more demand for it. Until then I’m open for feedback for a generic template.
One idea I’m thinking is to add some placeholders which others could find-and-replace with their content. Wdyt? I’m interested to know what changes do you want to do.
Hello @antulik,
I’m still in the process of building my periodic notes structure but as for now my templates are those shown below; but I realized that I can use it out-of-the-box as files already exist and are named after the same date convention as mine. So what I’m doing for now is:
create my daily, weekly, monthly notes from templates (with templater, periodic notes and clanedar plugin)
copy/paste your yearly calendar in my yearly note and…that’s it!
Obviously if I could achieve all this workflow with a single click it would be more practical and better (as I’d rather have all my periodic notes created together and not having to create them through the calendar plugin)
P.S.: I realized that in the notes below there’re still some parts in Italian but I guess you can get the general flavour
Daily Note:
Breadcrumbs in callout
>[!info]+ [[2023-10-22|⬅Ieri]] [[2023-10-24|➡Domani]] || [[2023-W43| Settimana]] || [[2023-10| Mese]] || [[2023|Anno]] || [[70 - Progetti|Progetti]] || [[80 - Aree|Aree]]
# || **2023-10-23** || Monday `title and day of the week`
## Events `I have a button to run a command connected to the ICS Plugin`
- 09:00 one event
- 11:15 second event
## Ideas `just a placeholder for my thoughts
## Day focus: `stuff I need to focus today`
## Tasks: `obsidian plugin searches`
happens on or before today
group by folder
sort by due ASC
short mode
## Week Focus
![[2023-W43#Weekly Focus:]]
## Monthly Focus
## Notes Created and/or Modified Today:
TABLE file.ctime AS "Created", file.mtime AS "Updated", type AS "Type"
WHERE file.cday = date(this.file.name) OR file.mday = date(this.file.name)
Weekly Note:
## Week 43, October 2023 23/10 - 29/10 `from templater`
⬅️ [[2023-W42]] | [[2023-W44]] ➡️ `breadcrumbs from templater`
>[!info] Weekays: [[2023-10-23 | LUN 23]] | [[2023-10-24 | MAR 24]] | [[2023-10-25 | MERC 25]] | [[2023-10-26 | GIO 26]] | [[2023-10-27 | VEN 27]] | [[2023-10-28 | SAB 28]] | [[2023-10-29 | DOM 29]]
## Weekly Focus:
>>[!info]+ Scrittura
>> - [/] #td Pianificare Corsi 🔺 ⏳ 2023-10-24 📅 2023-10-30
>> -
>>[!info]+ Impegni
>> - 26 ottobre 09:30: Consiglio di Dipartimento
>> - 27 ottobre 10:00 : Tesi LT (2 candidati)
>> - 27 ottobre 15: Intake (1 studente)
>> [!info]+ Deadlines
>> - altre ancora
>> -
## Monthly focus
![[2023-10#This month:]]
Hello @antulik, can you please share your script or can generate daily weekly monthly files for 2025. I am using your structure for year 2024. Thanks for you help.
Calendar section is removed from weekly and monthly notes. I didn’t find it useful having there (and maybe for performance reasons). You still can access calendar in 2025 Calendar.md
Added review tasks to daily notes on the first monday of the month, as a daily task to review last week, month or quarter. It serves as a additional reminder to review previous period.
I’m in love with this, the canvas overviews are so useful and great to look at. I’ll be using this in the new year for sure! Thanks for sharing your work!
Ta very much for this. While I will need to make a few modifications to this, it’s given me a really good base to start from. I am looking forward to using it, in the coming year.
This is just what I wanted my Daily Notes to be, thank you for taking the time, this will save me so much time, what a great find for the pre-last day of 2024