My daily note is currently duplicated if I open Obsidian for a second time on the same date, rather than opening the existing note.
This does not happen when using the default note format YYYY-MM-DD. However as I prefer to have notes stored in subdirectories the format I use is /YYYY/MM-MMMM/YYYY-MM-DD. This results in duplicates being created as /YYYY/MM-MMMM/YYYY-MM-DD-1.
I am having this issue as well. Everytime I click the daily note shortcut on the right toolbar it opens a new duplicate with an increasing number appended.
My filename format:
YYYY // MM MMM // DD-MM-YYYY – ddd - WW
Is there a fix, or workaround? And what formatting IS properly supported? I currently have no templates
The core Daily Notes plugin doesn’t support folders in the filename format as far as I know. The Periodic Notes plugin does., so that’s the workaround.
But it probably won’t accept those double slashes (//) because they would indicate unnamed folders.
I use: YYYY/MM-MMMM/YYYY-MM-DD as my filename format and it works. I see the shortcut always on the left side, so hope we are talking about the same icon. Try removing the double slash