Daily canvas plugin

Related: Daily Note as a canvas file

It would be amazing to have a “daily canvas” option in addition to the “daily note” one. Perhaps, instead of creating a different plugin which would increase the app’s entropy, make it so that if you hold the “open today’s daily note button” then 2 options show up (“canvas” and “note”) and you can just drag the mouse to the one that you want. Then, you just release the button and the selected option gets picked. This would remove the need for a second plugin and keep things simple, yet I’m not sure that Obsidian’s API currently supports this kind of behaviour.

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It would be cool if you could view any note as a canvas or a note


For those who want to have daily canvas, while this feature isn’t available yet, you can consider these steps:

  • In your template daily note, put ![[{{date}}.canvas]] on the top.
  • Then everytime you open your daily notes, you can see the daily canvas. If it hadn’t been there yet, Obsidian would remind you to click for creating.

That’s currently my implementations, as daily canvas also perfectly fits with my messy thoughts. Hope this help. :smiley: