Customise right click with adding action from command palette

Would be really interesting for user to be able to add action from command palette to right click menu.

So every user could do their own right click menu with favorite commands without having to create shortcuts or go through cmd + P menu.


I would also really want this. I don’t know why there hasn’t been any replies to this. A right click menu with all options would be very helpful!


This is a great idea. Would be really handy on mobile too (long press).


Maybe its just old habits but I keep thinking of the command palette in the form of a toolbar. A “customize toolbar” feature would be an added bonus.

I just released the customizable menu plugin, which lets you add commands to the right click menu.


This is really great!
Is there any possibility to add custom URI links into the commands panel? This would allow hot keys to specific notes, a vault, or specific plugin settings, etc.

Hmm, I don’t think this in the scope of this plugin, but I’ll see what I can do.

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Thank you for considering! :+1:

It’s not in the plugin store yet (I haven’t gotten a chance to test it properly), but here’s v0.0.1 of a plugin that lets you add custom URI links as commands. I’d appreciate feedback on any bugs/issues/improvements you might want!


Holy heck you are fast! How amazing! I truly think this plug-in will advance the Obsidian community, especially for making better use of URI commands. The Bear app community has thrived quite a bit when URI commands were introduced, and Obsidian has so much more power.

I tried to install it on iOS by pasting the folder into .obsidian/plugins/, and I see the plug-in in community plugins, but it unfortunately I get an error: “Failed to load plug-in URI commands”.
Any ideas?

And thank you again for developing this. :+1:

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What do you mean “pasted the folder”? You want to go to the latest release and copy just the main.js and manifest.json files into a folder in .obsidian/plugins.

If you’ve done that and still have that error, can you check if it works on desktop? I haven’t tested on mobile.

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Now it works like a charm, on Mac & iOS! Thanks so much! :pray:
This is extremely useful for me to quickly jump into Sliding Panes settings and adjust pane width when working on iPad in split screen mode, which I do all the time.

I don’t really have any suggestsions what could be added as it is perfect in its simplicity, but you could think about:

  • adding a link to the URI commands instructions in Obsidian help
  • add some default URI command suggestions for demonstrate what can be done using URI’s (maybe in plugin description)
  • modify hotkeys right in URI commands plugin settings
  • probably unnecessary for most people, but very useful for me: Hotkey Helper plugin has a functionality that allows you to jump right into any community plugin settings by enabling following URI link: obsidian://goto-plugin?id=plugin-name&show=config . Saves a couple of clicks if one needs to make frequent changes to plugin settings.
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I’d love to play around with this new feature you added. How can I install the beta version with URI commands added?

It’s in the store. No longer beta. Plugins - Obsidian