What I’m trying to do
I would like to create a 9x9 table with background colors at the cell level.
Things I have tried
I found
Selection blend mode
at Table - Developer Documentation (obsidian.md)
but I did not know how to use it.
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I picked out colors:
r1c1: 97FFFD, r1c2 FFE59A, r1c3 E2EFD9
r2c1: FCA48D, r2c3 D9E2F3
r3c1: 72FDD6, r3c2 F3B1F9, r3c3 FBE4D5
#97FFFD , #FFE59A , #E2EFD9
#FCA48D , #D9E2F3
#72FDD6 , #F3B1F9 , #FBE4D5
February 26, 2024, 12:01am
I suggest you read up on the following two posts, and focus on the highlighting of a given cell. I reckon you can use the same trick to color all the cells you need.
First of all, your html markup is slightly skewed as you’ve contained the <thead> within the <tbody> section. This should be:
<caption> ... </captrion>
<th> ... </th><th> ... </th>
<tr> ... </tr> <tr> ... </tr>
This would most likely simplify and correct some of your CSS which migth be interpreted wrongly by the different engines for live preview and reading mode.
Secondly, I’m not sure why you’re even using an html table, a…
This thread will show some of the options available for styling the result of your Dataview queries by providing you with CSS selectors which targets the outer elements of the query results. The specific styling within each is left up to the reader. After first covering the basics, I’ll show a nifty hack using #tags to single out specific queries.
The basic options for styling
The three most common options to target every query of the various query types are:
TABLE queries and dv.table(): tab…
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Thank you, holroy. I was excited to see the Cell 4 highlighted in [Table display is inconsistent between modes and tabs (HTML table with CSS snippet) - Help - Obsidian Forum] (Table display is inconsistent between modes and tabs (HTML table with CSS snippet) ) . I understand the HTML. I do not know how to give a background color to a cell.
I tried making a /vault/.obsidian/snippets/color.css file with
.color1 {
background-color: #97FFFD ;
February 26, 2024, 2:16am
OK, so I’ve managed to style a table according to your provided screenshot using ONLY CSS, as per the below proof image from my vault:
And here’s how you set this up:
Create a table with 1 header row + 9 additional rows and 9 cells per row, and add the special tag #_goals
that is used to target this particular table and style it accordingly to avoid affecting other tables :
| #_goals | | | | | | | | |
| ------- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
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Create a CSS snippet using the below code and make sure you enable this snippet under the Appearance settings:
/* setup colors */
:root {
--goals-borders: #888;
--R1C1: #97FFFD; --R1C2: #FFE59A; --R1C3: #E2EFD9;
--R2C1: #FCA48D; --R2C3: #D9E2F3;
--R3C1: #72FDD6; --R3C2: #F3B1F9; --R3C3: #FBE4D5;
/* hide special tag used for styling */
& [href="#_goals"] { display: none; }
.table-wrapper:has([href="#_goals"]), /* EDIT MODE */
table:has([href="#_goals"]) /* PREVIEW MODE */
/* hide the header row since it would break numbering */
& thead { display: none; }
/* add borders around everything */
&, & td { border: 1px solid var(--goals-borders); }
/* center everything */
& td { text-align: center; }
/* make sure we start with a full white table */
& tr { background-color: white; }
/* set a minimum height when there's no cell content */
& tr { height: 27px; }
/* color big cells */
& tr:nth-child(-n+9) {
& td:nth-child(-n+9) { background-color: var(--R3C3); }
& td:nth-child(-n+6) { background-color: var(--R3C2); }
& td:nth-child(-n+3) { background-color: var(--R3C1); }
& tr:nth-child(-n+6) {
& td:nth-child(-n+9) { background-color: var(--R2C3); }
& td:nth-child(-n+6) { background-color: white; }
& td:nth-child(-n+3) { background-color: var(--R2C1); }
& tr:nth-child(-n+3) {
& td:nth-child(-n+9) { background-color: var(--R1C3); }
& td:nth-child(-n+6) { background-color: var(--R1C2); }
& td:nth-child(-n+3) { background-color: var(--R1C1); }
/* punch the white holes */
& tr:nth-child(3n+2) td:nth-child(3n+2) { background-color: white; }
/* add the small details */
& tr:nth-child(4) td:nth-child(5) { background-color: var(--R1C2); }
& tr:nth-child(5) td:nth-child(4) { background-color: var(--R2C1); }
& tr:nth-child(5) td:nth-child(6) { background-color: var(--R2C3); }
& tr:nth-child(6) td:nth-child(5) { background-color: var(--R3C2); }
& tr:nth-child(4) td:nth-child(4) { background-color: var(--R1C1); }
& tr:nth-child(4) td:nth-child(6) { background-color: var(--R1C3); }
& tr:nth-child(6) td:nth-child(4) { background-color: var(--R3C1); }
& tr:nth-child(6) td:nth-child(6) { background-color: var(--R3C3); }
Et voila!
Special thanks to @holroy for teaching me how to target a specific table/element using special tags, you saved my life and made me disable a couple of plugins for that purpose!
Oh my goodness! It’s beautiful
Thank you so much!
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Thank you @holroy and @woofy31 !
1 Like
February 26, 2024, 2:26pm
Glad I could bring some sunshine in your daily Obsidian life
May 26, 2024, 2:27pm
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