Create links from Explorer via drag and drop

Use case or problem

On mobile, I often want to quickly add a link to a note by dragging and dropping from the File Explorer into a note, but it unfortunately does not work.

Proposed solution

Let drag and drop link creation work on mobile. Similar to moving a note, you would long hold, but then simply slide right into the currently open note, the Explorer would temporarily collapse, and you wouldn’t lift finger until the link insertion point was chosen. After the link gets added, the Explorer would expand.

Related feature requests

In the process of creating this request, I realized that often times I want to add links from notes that are either currently open in another tab, are visible in the Explorer, or whose link is within an open note. This helped me realize that another viable solution would be to have a “copy link” command that could be accessed via the hamburger menu, long hold menu in Explorer/on top of a link, or via a button or Command palette command. If this request doesn’t already exist, I will create one and return to add the link.

Edit: Here is an existing feature request: Add "Copy Wikilink" command
