Core Outline Plugin: highlight location of cursor/view

YES!. If you have a large outline and you are searching through it you can get lost so easily. If the outline panel showed where you are that would be fantastic!

Having to have the outline/ToC in a pane is a waste of screen real estate. I now use the floating toc plug-in instead, which also marks whereabouts you are in the note.

Personally, I feel that floating toc has a delay in use, waiting for each slide in, possibly in generating a directory.

This would also be a good alternative:

@jerviscui I have not noticed any such delay, for me the plug-in works as expected, I have even been able to modify the font somewhat.

Love this idea!

I found this so am upvoting this instead of creating a new feature request.


I have some notes with a pretty long outline and it would be useful if the heading at which I’m looking at / editing was automatically emphasized/highlighted somehow on outline.


Useful for notes with long outlines; keeping a broader view of how the headings and ideas are connected; being aware of the content to be extracted from that heading.

Related feature requests

This is somehow related to this feature request: Outline does not remember state—expands when note is edited, when app is relaunched, etc because I don’t think it was fully implemented in v1.3.1 and here’s why: it is true that headings won’t expand anymore, but outline position still moves as you edit when it’s long enough:

2023-08-19 10-22-24

As it can be seen on the previous gif, the scroll bar for the outline goes to somewhere near the middle of the note while editing. That makes even more difficult to keep track of where you are.

Any update on the Outline position highlight yet? It would be useful for longer notes.


Use case or problem

While editing a long and structured note, and even more while reading it, I sometimes lose my track on which paragraph/chapter/header I am writing under.

Proposed solution

I would find it useful to have the current header highlighted in the structure view (the same MS Word does when showing the structure on the side panel).

“Current header” could mean:

  • READ MODE > the topmost header currently visible on screen
  • EDIT MODE > the header under which the cursor is blinking

Current workaround (optional)

Scrolling up until I see the first header available above my current position.
And also in this case, if it is (for example) an H3, I don’t always know the parent H2 and H1 unless i scroll even more - and also this information would be very useful sometimes to recap the full context (“header-wise”) of what I am writing/reading.

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structure view?

Outline (and there’s already a request for this).

@Delbruck I’m about to merge this thread into the other request, so you may want to save your text and post it there.


Thanks for the heads-up. I was going to write that he meant Outline and add my vote to this feature.
So: +1

Sorry, in the italian UI it’s “Struttura” - and this is also the reason why my 30 minutes of searching did not lead to any result before opening my feature request. :man_facepalming:t2: Thanks for merging threads!

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Definitely useful, so I added my heart to the op

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Will be implemented in v1.5 No ETAs.


What will it look like? I’m curious :eyes::joy:

To clarify, this is currently being worked on and will be released at some point in the the 1.5.x cycle.


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This is finally implemented!
Changelong says it happened on version 1.5.1
We were a very hopeful and patient group for 3.5 years!

Thanks everyone