Copy images from Outlook

So I think this might need to be a feature request, but I thought I would run it past the help section first.

What I’m trying to do

I get sent quite a few emails with screenshots and how to information that I need to convert to documents in Obsidian. When I copy the image, in this case from Outlook I paste the image into Obsidian, that’s fine that works initially. The problem is the image is not a pasted copy of the image instead a linked image.

As an example.


These images are only Temporary, so if I go back to this note later all of the images are invalid.

Currently I have to remember to copy from Outlook to a image editor then copy into Obsidian to make sure this is a pasted image that is saved to the vault instead of the temporary image. I would like to be able to make this process a little more streamlined.

Things I have tried

At a bit of a loss.

The first thing I would do is test in the Sandbox help vault. That will help isolate if this is an Outlook pasting issue, or an Obsidian setting or plugin issue in your vault.

Is it just Outlook where this happens? The web or app version?

I think this may be a copy-paste from Office365 apps issue. Here’s a similar topic copying images from Word.