Code block wouldn't correctly close

Hi, I have a problem when I write the code block with go language, and it’s so weird. The code block can not correctly close with “```” in the source mode, like image - 01, but if I turn to reading view, it’s seem that obsidian can successfully render the markdown, like image - 02. But other code block above has no the same issue

And I try to figure out what happen, and I notice that if I delete the list item, will solve the problem, like image - 03
But, I haven’t change anything in indent setting in editor option, and the only plugin I installed is Remote Save

Can anyone provide a solution or suggestion, Thank!!

image - 01

image - 02

image - 03

If this implies you’re writing code blocks within lists, maybe this bug report could be relevant ? :woman_shrugging:

Great thank for you response!! :heart:

I have check the link you provided, and I still confused because what I try to do is writing a code blocks after a list, not within lists. But I find some solution

  1. Help! Cant get out of the code block. (Obsidian) : r/ObsidianMD (, In this link, Lamprophonia provide s solution, just adding a random character right between list and code block

  2. The second solution I find out is just adding a extra blank code block bwteen list and code block you need, then it’s seem that avoiding this issue in source code mode

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