Click links/files to open in new tab by default

Bumping this

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Yes, I will pretty useful!

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+1 bump!

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I agree that this is a much needed feature. Iʻm currently setting up my workflow and setting Templater hotkeys to open all my new notes from templates. Only problem if youʻre opening new notes using hotkeys, you canʻt use the command key (youʻre already using it) and youʻre not clicking. Maybe you all are just talking about links to new notes, but Iʻm talking about opening new notes and if thereʻs a way to make it default to open in new pane in my use case, would yʻall let me know? Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m able to open any note in a new panel by clicking the scroll wheel on my mouse. It works when clicking on a backlink, in the note list, or on the daily note icon.

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Mouse click could be useful, yes. I am mostly on my laptop with touchpad and most importantly on iPad. Most difficult on iPad as I mentioned.

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+1, please add it :mega:

+1 bump!

+1 for sure

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Also useful here! I mostly use obsidian on an iPad so a middle click isn’t available for me. It would be great to have this as a toggle!


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+1 need it

+1, would be helpful when sharing vaults with people

Bumping this too - new account but longtime user. The fact that there is no setting for this and that opened files are not automatically revealed in the navigation are the two most frustrating things about Obsidian.

would be great, i love drowning in tabs.

I would also really appreciate the ability to toggle a setting to chose my notes to open in a new tab by default. Please and thank you!

I’m surprised that this is not the default behaviour and hasn’t been changed yet.

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+1 This is the one feature I want most from obsidian


Yes… Definetly, I always get frustrated by having to be concious how I click a link… I just want to click and automatically open the note on a new tab.

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