Another request here. I routinely get lost the way its setup now. Sometimes I’ll even open 5 or 10 things thinking they’ll be in new tabs and then looking and realizing i did it all wrong.
While the way you do it now may be very good for many users, it should be user-changeable because it can be quite confusing for some users (me) as well as other judging by the size ot this thread.
I would find this option useful because I write atomic style notes. I also try to treat note titles as concept handles. I find both practices assist in writing notes that I actually find useful further down the road.
However, as a side effect, I find myself jumping between a bunch of notes when following the thread of a larger idea. Having all notes open in tabs by default would be useful when refactoring and building on previous writing.
I truly don’t understand all of you. mke21 gave the perfect existing solution that works perfectly.
Open pages with the middle mouse button. Simple.
That way you have the option of opening in current tab by using left mouse button or in new tab by using middle mouse button.
What could be simpler than this?
One small note: currently on Mac cmd-click works differently for Edit mode vs Reading mode. In Reading mode cmd-click opens in a new tab. In Edit mode cmd-click opens in the current tab, which adds to the cognitive load to remember how to open in new tab. Perhaps that’s a bug (not the absence of a feature), or somehow peculiar to my setup?
(I can’t speak for whether this is true of middle-click, as I don’t have a three-button mouse.)