Steps to reproduce
- Open up text editor and make two notes “Strawberry” and “Blueberry”.
- Type Strawberry in the Blueberry note in an attempt to link to that note.
- Highlight Strawberry and type either “[[” or whatever hotkey you defined to ‘link’.
Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? Yes
Expected result
- Expected that after highlighting text for Strawberry, or Strawb, or similar, and hitting [[ or your link hotkey would immediately bring up the link search preview so all you need to do is hit “Enter”
Actual result
- Observe that no preview comes up and hitting enter will delete this text instead of linking to the note Strawberry (change from previous behavior).
- Delete the last letter of strawberry and see that now the preview to link comes up and hitting enter works
- Be very sad that it now requires many extra inputs to achieve the task of “Link to a note with a title for a word I already finished typing” when this is something you do all the time in Obsidian.
- Hope this is simple to fix ux bug and not a deliberate change
(Or there is an easy workaround I have failed to find)
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Installer version: v1.5.3
Operating system: Windows 10 Home 10.0.22631
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