V1.7.4 [[Add internal link]] hotkey does not provide completion for file select

version: 1.7.4

[[Add internal link]] hotkey does not provide completion for file selection

The previous version opened list dialog with all existing files can be used in [[quad parens]] and after selection it changed to something like [[somedir/quad|quad parens]].


Please follow and include the bug report template when submitting bug reports. Thanks.

This is what I’m seeing on my end:

CleanShot 2024-10-17 at 19.06.00

	Obsidian version: v1.7.4
	Installer version: v1.6.5
	Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 23.6.0: Mon Jul 29 21:14:30 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.141.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 23.6.0
	Login status: logged in
	Language: en
	Catalyst license: supporter
	Insider build toggle: on
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: adapt to system
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: off
	Plugins installed: 0
	Plugins enabled: 0


I’m experiencing a similar issue! No problems with the file path though:

For me, the problem is that I want to highlight a selection, and then hit my hotkey for Add internal link.
However, when I do so, the text inside the double brackets becomes greyed out and unresponsive, and I have to type an edit to it before I get the typical autocomplete dialog.

This was a massively convenient small feature for me! I hope it can be fixed soon :heart:


Since the last update (Catalyst), the pop-up window no longer appears when I highlight a word and then right-click on “Add link”. When I type the word, the window appears, but I would like it to appear both ways.

Have I overlooked a new settings button that allows this? Does anyone know if this is a bug or will it always be like this now? Thanks for helping

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I am not sure I consider this a bug. We’ll think about this.

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I’m also experiencing the same issue.


Yes, I understand now. The important step is first selecting text → Add internal link / Add link (command, hotkey, or right-click context menu) → and you end up with
[[<cursor here>text]] and no suggestion pop-up.

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yep. me too. happens on my PC. it’s fine on my iphone.

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Yeah I’m having the same issue and I wish there was a way to revert it despite any performance hits the problem is it slows down workflows significantly having to edit the highlighted word before the completion list appears. This also makes it more difficult dealing with aliases.


hello , i think i too am facing the exact same issue . the problem arises only when u select a text and use the hotkey or [[ . if we start typing in “[[” the autocomplete pops up no issues .
the autocomplete was extremely handy. and the lack of this nifty feature has significantly hampered my productivity … i humbly request this feature can be brought back

  • yours sincerely
  • a very happy obisidan user
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Same issue here. I also have a shortcut for this, which I use for marking up new notes. Tried this, this morning, and used 2-3 TIMES as long to mark up an article I saved as before the latest version.

So this behavior in the app, is the one change ever made that slows me the most down.


Hope this can be changed back as soon as possible.

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I would definitely call this a bug. Makes working in Obsidian 2-3 times slower. Marking up notes now is much slower, see my previous reply here.

will be fixed 1.7.5


Well, it will be fixed in the next version.

  1. Is there a prediction for when it will be?

  2. I would like to suggest a way to prevent these problems: instead of updating Obsidian right away, I would like the automatic update to happen maybe a week later, and to be stopped if these errors emerge.

Sorry, We don’t provide ETAs.

The 1.7.x was in beta period for over a month and nobody caught this bug, unfortunately.
Also this is not a major bug that would cause us to stop rolling out a new version.

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