I don’t like the hybrid editing mode since I feel it’s “laggy” when pressing up or down on the keyboard, so I use the Source Mode. And to see if the formatting is right, I use a little window with the Reading Mode on the right.
The problem is that, most times, my cursor is in the middle of the main screen while the little reading window is at the top of the main screen. Because of that, I can’t immediately see the part I’m edditing.
Why don’t you just do a “Split right” from the context menu of the tab, and keep it side by side in the main window, instead of in the side pane? Just remember to link the tabs together, and switch either one (my preferred is the right one) to reading view.
My Obsidian is usually split in four columns:
File explorer and search in a narrow column to the left
Main editing window, with source view
Reading window, with reading view
A narrower (or hidden) side pane to the right
This way the two main windows keeps synced as they maintain the same height, and it’s easy for the scrolling to keep up. The only downside to this method for me, is that I sometimes need to link up the two windows (or change sources) if I open a link the “wrong” way.
I see, the problem is just that the 2 views are different sizes, which affects what’s shown when scrolling. Because the sidebar note was at the top, I thought it wasn’t scrolling.
I have a similar issue but with normal linked tabs, rather than one linked to the sidebar. The scroll sync is matching at the top of the page rather than the middle (preferred option) or the cursor. This is particularly noticeable when embedding sections from other pages.