Canvas Cards Drag and Drop Linux/ChromeOS

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open any canvas file or create a new canvas file
  2. Try to drag and drop existing card or create a new card and try to drag and drop

Expected result

I expect the card to drag and drop as expected and move when dragged.

Actual result

The cards are frozen and cannot be moved.


  • Operating system: ChromeOS, Version 110.0.5481.181 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Linux Version: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
  • Debug info:
	Obsidian version: v1.1.16
	Installer version: v1.1.9
	Operating system: #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 20 18:10:10 PST 2023 5.10.159-20950-g3963226d9eb4
	Login status: logged in
	Catalyst license: vip
	Insider build toggle: on
	Live preview: on
	Legacy editor: off
	Base theme: dark
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


Additional information

Everything was working as expected a week ago. I didn’t see any errors in the developer console.

This is similar to other reports we got from user using linux under wayland. See if it still happens by using xwayland or x11.
If this is the problem, we’ll wait an upstream fix from electron on the wayland software stack.

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I installed the Obsidian image at Flathub on Chromebook Linux using Flatpak, so I can set the window manager using Flatseal. If I set the window manager to Wayland only, Obsidian will not load. It will load if I set the window manage to X11 only, but the problem is still present i.e. cannot move canvas cards.

So I believe the problem is not confined to Wayland alone.

we don’t provide support for the flatpak because we don’t make it.

Try appimage.

To be completely clear, generally, we do not have specific code for specific platforms. We get what comes with electron. If you have this type of problem, it may be an electron issue and we do not have the resources to debug it.

I have the same issue on X11 (no wayland) using the AppImage.

@Janlo Kindly open a new bug report. follow the bug report template and post a screen recording of this happening.

There you go: Drag & Arrows not working in canvas (Linux, AppImage, X11)

Install Flatseal which is a graphical utility to review and modify permissions from your Flatpak applications (use console if you’re comfortable).

Set these parameters


The Flatpak install of Obsidian will now work correctly.

Alternatively update your Flatpak Obsidian installation which includes now these parameters as standard.

I found the maintainers of the Flatpak version of Obsidian to be very responsive.

I have always experienced this problem on ChromeOS. My initial workaround was to use Wayland on the Flatpak version, but there are too many workarounds needed for my workflow compared to the AppImage and now Wayland support is broken for me anyway. @brittian Was this problem fixed for you? @WhiteNoise This still happens on the latest version of Obsidian (1.5.12, installer 1.5.8).

This thread has become a mix of different issues.
For the drag and drop under Wayland, follow the bug report linked above.

Janlo had a different problem.

I am going yo close this thread to avoid necroing it and reorganize the convos.

Workaround found by @carlrobert, use the arrow keys to move and bottom right diagonal to resize. I have found an issue relating to Debian, the distribution that ChromeOS uses to create Linux containers, could this be a Debian issue? I’m going to try and setup a Fedora/Arch container to see if that affects anything.

I have the same problem; not only that but also cannot I drag or select the rectangular shape in Ubuntu.

I had the same problem with mozilla firefox because I couldn’t download files. What I did to solve this issue is to uninstall firefox from snap and reinstall firefox as a deb file or firefox developer and that worked out well.

Other guess is that the problem is the wireless mouse and keyboard which have many bottoms that is generating issues with virtual box. I’ll try another mouse and see if it is working

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