Canvas: add "line direction" option to toggle / reverse arrow direction

Use case or problem

Sometimes when connecting cards, after making an arrow from card A to card B, later I realize it would be better to have the arrow going from B to A instead.

Proposed solution

There is already a “Line direction” menu that appears in the context menu when an arrow is clicked, and it gives options for the line to be nondirectional, unidirectional, and bidirectional. But the “unidirectional” option is locked in to the arrow direction that was initially chosen (e.g. from card A to B). Adding one more option to this menu to toggle / reverse the current unidirectional arrow direction would do the trick.


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Can someone from moderation merge those as a single feature request?

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Use case or problem

When I’m taking notes on mathematical analysis, the B theorem references the A theorem with B pointing to A on the Graph View, but I’d prefer to be able to have A pointing to B to express this based relationship.

Proposed solution

Would like to be able to customize the direction of the arrow

Related feature requests (optional)


I often need to change arrow direction when I refactor my canvas.

This is a different thing. Not related to this request