Cannot move/rearrange panes when running under Wayland


I’m also on Arch (+Wayland+sway) and the workaround mentioned above by @monorkin does not work for me.

That is, running obsidian under electron24 like this:

/bin/electron24 /usr/lib/obsidian/app.asar --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland

I still cannot drag and drop panes as described by @maddi in her original post (I can if I drop the --enable-features and --ozone-platform flags, but that was never an issue and results in blurry text as mentioned above).

What am I doing wrong? :grimacing:

unrelated, but beware of pacman -Sy, it’s recommended to always use pacman -Syu, see System maintenance - ArchWiki

Update: since Arch moved to Electron 25 I cannot start obsidian in native Wayland mode anymore (that is, passing --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland), whatever I do.

On the upside, I can always rearrange panes now, since I’m always running under XWayland :slight_smile: too bad for the blurriness :sweat_smile:

Once again to avoid confusion of people reading this thread. We do not provide support for the Arch package because we don’t make it.

Using the latest AppImage from the website does not help:

  • it works under XWayland, but it has blurry text, same as the Arch package
  • in native Wayland mode (i.e. passing --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland) it crashes when I move the window between monitors, the text is just as blurry as under XWayland and the titular bug about moving panes is still present

This is the error logged upon crashing (I realize it’s off topic for the original bug report, just putting it here for completeness):

~/Downloads ./Obsidian-1.3.5\(1\).AppImage --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
2023-06-25 00:04:03 Loading main app package /tmp/.mount_Obsidi5Gtt8H/resources/obsidian.asar
2023-06-25 00:04:04 Checking for update using Github
2023-06-25 00:04:04 Success.
2023-06-25 00:04:04 Latest version is 1.3.5
2023-06-25 00:04:04 App is up to date.
[143974:0624/] libwayland: xdg_wm_base@15: error 4: wrong configure serial: 181905

fish: Job 1, './Obsidian-1.3.5\(1\).AppImage …' terminated by signal SIGTRAP (Trace or breakpoint trap)

In summary I could not find a workaround for the titular bug, with or without the official AppImage, other than running under XWayland and living with the blurry text.

I did not stay that it would work, hence why this bug report is open.

My point is that you should have the conversation about the Arch package and its problems in the AUR repository because we can’t help you.

I’m experiencing the same bug, on Obsidian 1.3.7 and Wayland (Fedora 38). Is there anything I can do to help with it?

It’s been a year and this still doesn’t work, and remains without a workaround which does not affect the ability to read text on modern resolutions.

If this an open source product someone would have found a way to make this work on Wayland for the hundreds of people that use wayland, even if it was a fork.

However it’s closed source product, with many subscribers, including many insiders who have paid extra money to influence the development of this product. Yet still it has no priority with the obsidian team.

Xorg reached EOL on Oct 27 2021. Wayland was released 14 years ago.

It’s well beyond disappointing to see the obsidian team respond with only white noise.

Not to be a broken record, but this bug is due to electron and was recently fixed upstream. We will get the fix once we bundle next version of electron in future public release.

Obsidian 1.4.5 comes with Electron 25. Kindly download and reinstall Obsidian from our website and let me know if the issue is fixed.

Just tested, it’s still broken. I verified it’s using Electron 25.8.0 by checking process.versions.electron in the devtools.


ok, we’ll double check this.

Ok, I apologize. I was under the impression that this issue was fixed upstream (in electron) but it has not.
VScode is still getting reports of drag and drop not working under wayland.

I just tested VSCode 1.81.1 which is using Electron 22.3.18 under Wayland, and dragging and dropping files/splits does work.

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They are still getting reports, this very month, and have the issue open Drag and drop does not work in Wayland · Issue #156723 · microsoft/vscode · GitHub

Here is a screencast:

(in the window on the left, shell: "xdg_shell" indicates VSCode is running natively under Wayland)

Dragging and dropping tabs/files does work, but dragging and dropping panels doesn’t work.

The original issue you linked to says “I am unable to re-order windows, create multiple panes with drag and drop, etc” - but I do see that there is an issue from Jun 7 about dragging/dropping panels specifically.

Is it possible this is not an issue with Electron, but with the code for each specific type of drag and drop? Why would it work in one place but not another if not for that?

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It is possible that whatever they did (electron via chrome backported patch), didn’t completely fix the issue and now it works in some cases and not others. But this IS an electron/chrome problem (or wayland itself) because it works under X11 and we have no platform specific code.

I have created two .desktop entries. One that lets me rearrange the layouts has the following line but it runs a bit slower:

Exec=env OBSIDIAN_USE_WAYLAND=1 /usr/bin/obsidian -enable-features=UseOzonePlatform %U

And this one that runs ok, but doesn’t let me rearrange the layout:

Exec=env OBSIDIAN_USE_WAYLAND=1 /usr/bin/obsidian -enable-features=UseOzonePlatform -ozone-platform=wayland %U

I think this would do for now, but it is not ideal as I have to switch between the two when I need to rearrange the layout.

BTW because the electron26 is broken, you can use this instead if you encounter a black screen:

env OBSIDIAN_USE_WAYLAND=1 /usr/bin/electron25 /usr/lib/obsidian/app.asar -enable-features=UseOzonePlatform %U

I’m on Arch using Hyprland.

I have created two .desktop entries. One that lets me rearrange the layouts has the following line but it runs a bit slower:

Exec=env OBSIDIAN_USE_WAYLAND=1 /usr/bin/obsidian -enable-features=UseOzonePlatform %U

That works because it’s not fully enabling Wayland, Obsidian is still running under XWayland.

Obsidian’s wayland support has drastically improved for me with the 1.5.8 update bringing electron up to version 28, however;


While using Obsidian on Wayland, I Can’t re-arrange panes by dragging tabs.

Current workaround (optional)

Right click the current tab, click split right, then open something in that split without dragging out.



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Just wanted to say that I’m having the same issue. (NixOS 24.05, Wayland Session, KDE Plasma 6)