Cannot create a vault on iCloud

Steps to reproduce

  • Install Obsidian on iOS 18
  • Open Obsidian and choose “Create new vault” with the option “Store in iCloud”
  • Click Create

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Expected result

The vault is created in iCloud

Actual result

Error message “Failed to create vault. You don’t have permission to save the file in the folder Documents”


Additional information

I just tested on my Significant Other’s iPhone but I can’t repro :thinking:

Did you check in your iPhone's settings > Apple Account (the very first menu with your picture :blush: ) > iCloud > under “Saved to iCloud” tap Drive > Apps Syncing to iCloud Drive … Obsidian should be in that list and toggled On.

Although, from what I’m seeing, if Obsidian is disabled in Apps Syncing to iCloud Drive, Obsidian (1.6.7) displays an error which can’t really be ignored (:smile:), so that might not be it though :pensive:

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I checked, there is no Obsidian under the “Apps Syncing to iCloud Drive”.
So that’s probably the reason.

So now, the question is how do I add Obsidian to that list? Even after a re-install of the app, there is no popup asking to “enable” anything.

Thank you

Ok, under the iCloud Drive, I unchecked “Sync this iPhone”, then rechecked it. Started Obsidian and now it worked!!!

Thank you so much for your help.

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Glad to know you were able to solve the issue you were facing :raised_hands: :grin: !

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