One thing that is so appealing to many users is that Obsidian is fast. Lag is the mind-killer. As people start installing more and more plugins, the performance, or lack thereof, begins to accumulate and has a negative effect on performance, especially for older devices.
Obsidian now can time plugins at startup to get a metric on performance. This can be enabled in Settings → Community Plugins.
This is a CALL to all plugin developers to optimize their startup time and, in effect, help keep the excellent performance reputation that Obsidian has.
So the question is: can you delay some startup tasks until certain features are needed from your plugin? Do you do some time-consuming processes that can happen a little later after Obsidian has finished initializing and the user has started to work?
With a bit of thinking and testing, we can probably optimize our startup time, which impacts the startup time of the entire application, and still get what we need in the end.