California Coast Theme


I wanted to propose a feature request to adjust spacing between paragraphs. I do not want to adjust the line height between each line, only paragraphs. In this sense, a paragraph would be any time I enter two consecutive line breaks (Enter). Ideally, it would not adjust spacing to a heading preceding (above) a paragraph, and instead only add spacing after a paragraph.

I am using the “Style Settings” plugin but do not see the option

Hi, I really love the theme both in dark and light mode. But I could not see the quote pretty well particularly on dark mode. Is there any way to add border for the block quote?

Here is the original view

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I was looking for the same thing and I created this custom CSS snippet for it:

/* diminish height of empty lines */
.cc-pretty-editor p {
  margin-bottom: 1rem !important;

You can make the margin-bottom even smaller is you like it even less high.
This is only for Preview, I’ve not yet found a way to get this in Editor view.
Hope this helps.

Does anybody know how to make this theme’s code blocks work with “Editor Syntax Highlight”? Latex and metadata working without a problem.

You can find it with the dev tools console (ctrl+shift+i on windows)

Thank you this works well!

Can anyone help advise me on how to achieve the gradient line at the top without applying this style to the inline code text and code blocks? Looking for a selector to just focus on that top line.

I am using the following styles to achieve this:

 .markdown-preview-view code {
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(130deg, #24c6dc, #5433ff 41.07%, #f09 76.05%);
  -webkit-background-clip: text;
  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;

I am using mac. I usually use atom to create custom CSS. But for this theme i could not override the css.

Editor Syntax Highlighting works fine for me with CC theme.
Did you type the code language after the first ```? You have to put css, php, xml or whatever right after the three accents.

Why? It’s working for me. If it’s not then it’s a wrong selector.

Yes, the block is just plain text on a gray background

Can you try typing ‘html’ right after the ``` on the first line like this:

That should give this:


I thought plugin is highlight automatically. Thanks, it’s working :slight_smile:

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@amarionette I’m not sure what do you mean by top line? Could you clarify?

Today I noticed that my code didn’t work anymore. I now did it like this:

.cc-pretty-preview .markdown-preview-section > div > * {
  line-height: var(--editor-line-height);
  margin: 0 0 1rem;

I think @amarionette means the box-shadow under the title bar which looks a bit like a line.

Ah, well this could do the trick:

.view-header::after {
    content: "";
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(130deg, #24c6dc, #5433ff 41.07%, #f09 76.05%);
    position: absolute;
    bottom: -2px;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    height: 2px;
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Hi! I’m hoping this is the right place to ask for some help. I was wondering whether the horizontal rule is supposed to look like it does in the attached image, and if there’s any way I can change it to be thinner? I’ve tried re-installing California Coast but no change, and I absolutely don’t know what I’m doing with css and wouldn’t be able to edit it myself. I’m using Windows by the way. Thank you!

Do you have any custom css snippets active?

I do yes, just the one, but the horizontal rule looked like this before I had any snippets active

Then I don’t know. Sorry I can’t help you. Hopefully @mgmeyers knows.

See here for how to remove the spacing around horizontal rules: California Coast Theme - #7 by mgmeyers

I can’t think of any reason for the gray background like that, though. Here’s what they should look like: