Bullet Journal Plugin

So true. I also love the Bullet Journal method by it’s great flexibility. For me it fits perfectly to the flexibility of Obsidian.

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I just found out about the Minimal theme in a video from Nicole van der Hoeven (“My time management setup in Obsidian (2023)” [07:52-11:12], and it has a nice feature for those who are Bullet Journaling in Obsidian: visual bullet markers following the traditional BuJo practice (like the ones described by the author of this thread). You can see it on the Checklist section. There are many, but the most relevant for Bullet Journaling are:

Syntax Description
- [ ] to-do
- [/] incomplete
- [x] done
- [-] canceled
- [>] forwarded
- [<] scheduling
- [!] important

Which would get displayed as shown here:

Visual bullet markers

Bullet journal markersThis text will be hidden

It’s just aesthetic, and you’ll have to take the appropriate actions associated with toggling that state, but I think it really helps in having a quick visual representation of the state of things.


This is a great workaround… just trying to figure out how to lock the checkbox. If you click the icon, it gets “cleared” and the custom icon info is gone. So the “[!]” would get cleared and become “[]”. Clicking it again would make it “[x]”.

Is it possible for me to add this checklist to other theme?

Have a look in this thread for “locking” individual check lists →

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You can create your own custom checkboxes for any theme with css snippets, as described here: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/alternative-checkboxes-icon-bullets-copy-and-paste/35962/10.

Also I like to use the plugin “ToggleList” to easily toggle between different checkbox symbols with one hotkey.

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