[bug] Vim keybindings: ctrl+d doesn't work as intended

Steps to reproduce

Enable vim keybindings:
Settings → Editor → Enable vim keybindings :white_check_mark:

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

No as this is clearly broken

Expected result

Scroll down

Actual result

It deletes the line of text at the cursor

Additional information

I noticed that ctrl+d is broken. After checking the forums, I found this thread, where it was already reported in 2022 but it was closed as it was supposed to be fixed:

this is incredibly painful… please increase the prio on this ticket as it can lead to accidentally deleting content

I don’t think it’s a bug, it’s just the default ctrl+d hotkey in Obsidian. you can turn that off by looking in the Hotkey section.

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