[Bug] [iOS] - Notes deleted on Mobile don't go into the System Trash (despite the app' settings)

[X] Bug
[ ] Feature


[X] iOS
[ ] Android

Obsidian Mobile version: v0.0.14

Device : iPad Pro (2020 | 11’’) - iPadOS 14.4.2
Sync : iCloud Drive (Strictly)

I’ve set up the mobile app’ to act like the Mac app’ and send the deleted files into the System Trash.

Well, despite the settings regarding the deleted files the mobile app’ sends them into the Obsidian .trash folder.
Those deleted files also get a weird extension when moved there : .mdmd :thinking:.

All this make deleting a file from Mobile a little bit problematic, especially to restore them if needed : One needs to know how to unhide the Obsidian .trash folder, copy/paste the file to restore it where needed, delete the file in the Obsidian .trash folder (as drag-n-drop a file in the Obsidian iCloud Folder doesn’t seem authorized for some reasons) and then rename the file (I guess) with the correct .md extension to make it work.

And as pictures might speak better than my words here are some screenshots :blush: :

  1. :point_down: Settings of the Mobile app’.

  1. :point_down: Finder > iCloud > Obsidian Folder on Mac (before deleting any files) :blush:

The vault I used to test this is “Something Dark Side” and the system trash where the Mobile app’ should send the deleted files is the hidden .Trash.

  1. :point_down: Deleting a file from the Something Dark Side vault on the Mac app’ sends it to the .Trash System Trash Folder with the correct .md extension

  1. :point_down: Deleting a file from the Something Dark Side vault on the Mobile app’ sends it to the .trash Obsidian trash folder, despite the settings, with the incorrect .mdmd extension.

Fixed as of 0.0.18

1 Like

Yes :grin: !!! It is indeed fixed :grin: !!!
Thank you very much :+1: !!!

It makes the restoration of deleted files (using copy/paste) easier too :grin: .

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