Boox tablet Android keyboard not working

i’m also waiting for an update for my tab ultra c pro. have you had any luck?

Hi there,

Same issue here with BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro
Obsidian version 1.6.7 (149)
API v1.6.7

Firmware 2024-06-14_20-57_3.5.1_4600822dd

By the way, the floating keyboard trick mentioned above by @David_Smith is a workaround. Not ideal, but works.

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Mine (NA 3) is already working as of firmware 3.5.4_1 Thanks for the Obsidian and Boox devolopers for fixing this annoyance.

Just updated my Onyx Boox Note Air 3 C to a new stable firmware version (from 2024-03-27_11-06_3.5.1_575390d56 to 2024-09-10_21-41_3.5.4_1a0fe4e9b) and the issue has been fixed.

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