Bible Study in Obsidian Kit (including the Bible in Markdown)

Non-coder here, so newly question.

I think I have the scripts running, but when I run bash, the script runs and returns an error - “ruby: No such file or directory – BibleGateway-to-Markdown/bg2md.rb (LoadError)”

I am running the script from the folder /Downloads/BibleGateway-to-Obsidian-master/

The script is creating the correct folder “NKJV” and subfolders with each book of the Bible as a subfolder. It is creating all the files, but the files are blank.

If I run ruby bg2md.rb by itself, it pulls the correct bible text.

Thanks in advance for any help.

@celler This may have nothing to do with your issue but worth mentioning in case:
The script references a folder called ESV. So you can open the script in a text editor and change ESV to NKJV. Or a possibly easier way is to just rename your NKJV folder to ESV then run the script then you can change the folder name back to NKJV.

You may have already tried that, but worth a shot. :pray:

That looks like the submodule didn’t pull on clone. Try running this from the same directory you ran that command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

The repo when cloned with git does not download with git submodules included. I have added the instruction on the documentation and created a PR. (novice here with a PR process :))

Just for anyone cloning the repo you can clone it with the below command which gets the submodules as well. Thanks @joebuhlig for puting this repo togather.
git clone --recurse-submodules

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I’m not seeing the PR. Can you link to it?

sorry about that, I don’t know if I missed out something. I sent the pull request again

Got it! And merged. Well done. :clap:

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Thanks so much for your hard work, devotion and passion for this project @Joschua . This is quite a blessing. I have many saved note passages with personal insights. Now I have to start making the connections.

Thank you @Harvison, glad to hear it is helpful for you!

Thank you for this. Can someone please provide step-by-step instructions on how to get this to work with Windows. I want to download the NIV.

Please I am really looking to grow my faith and this is the exact tool that I need to dive deeper into my bible study.

Hi Joschua,

I appreciate the work you’re putting into this project! I just wanted to comment and say that while reading about it, I immediately thought of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bibles. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with them. Thompson included lots of numbers which refer to different people, places, and concepts, then listed those numbers and topics in the margins of his bible when they came up in the text, and included a numerical index in the back to point you to the start of a numerical thread which sought to tie those references together with all the pertinent passages in the bible. I’m not sure what the copyright situation is, but I thought the concept (and Thompson’s work) could be a valuable asset to you as a reference document. Thanks for the work you’re doing, and I look forward to seeing more!


This is what I used to get it to work in Windows 10. Hope it helps

First, install Ruby. You can use instructions here Install Ruby on Windows: Everything You Need to Get Going – Stackify. I followed the Ruby Installer option and you can stop once you see the version number for the ‘ruby -v’ command

Then, get all needed gems installed. In command prompt or powershell, use ‘gem install (gemname)’ and ‘gem list’ to check what you already have. I had to install ‘colorize’, ‘optparse’, ‘clipboard’ and ‘ffi’

Next, install Git from Git - Downloading Package

In command prompt or powershell, do ‘git clone --recurse-submodules

Once project is cloned, you can open in a text editor like Notepad and update the options in the beginning of the file. This is where you can change the translation to NIV

I also had to remove the ‘x’ in line 31

You can then run the script in command prompt like ‘./’ and it will open up a bash window to run. The window will be blank if things are going well or will display errors.

Note: the script uses the clipboard to get the Bible data, so copy paste won’t function right elsewhere while the script is running since it is constantly coping new chapters


Many thanks Joschua thats awesome…May I ask what version of the Bible did you use? many thanks …

Hey @vincit, I use the World English Bible, mostly because it isn’t copyright restricted!

Hi, I am new here and not an IT person, so pardon me for some ignorance. So, I have downloaded the kit into my MacBook. So how do I bring it into my Obsidian App?

Hey @kinyua! Thanks for downloading the kit.

After downloading the kit, you navigate to your downloads folder and unpack the .zip file (usually by double-clicking it). Then you open your Obsidian app. On the left hand side there is an icon with a vault and through clicking on it, you can open another vault. Navigate to the folder where you unpacked the .zip file and select the Bible Study Kit folder.

Now the kit should open in Obsidian in another window. :tada:

Let me know if that worked!

Great. That worked.

Thanks a lot brother. I like your sub-topics. I’ll build on those as I expand my database and learn more about obsidian and as I do my personal devotions.

God bless

This thread is awesome. I’m new to Obsidian, and I’m looking to use it as a way to not silo my Bible study notes in a single Bible app (since I use several). @Joschua your kit is awesome! I was able to import the CSB translation without issue.

My one question is how everyone is handling referencing multiple passages (i.e. James 1:1-5). I’m not looking to display them (as I’ve seen the tools people have made for that), but I want to link all the verses in my note, not just the first & last verse in the range.

This is the one thing I haven’t figured out yet that would make this system work for me & any insight would be helpful.

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Hey, @larosajohnson. Glad you enjoy it!

Yeah, embedding and linking to longer passages is still something to solve for me. For now, my lazy reference would just be [[Jam-01#v1]] (to v5). In the backlinks for the chapter I can still see that this note relates to v1–5.

This is neither smooth nor pretty though. Another idea I had was to use | to have all links between the first and the last show up as a simple hyphen.

Ultimately, I’d love to create a quick script to reference multiple verses quickly.


@larosajohnson and @Joschua

A thought I had, and still not as practical and functional or convenient as a script or plugin, is an intermediate verse note.

The title could be [[John v1-v5]], but it wouldn’t exist. You could create it with the individual verses embedded—a manual process of what the script might do or could do.

This approach also allows you to have notes with verses together in view from different books and chapters.

I like this manual effort because you have to handle and see the verses while creating them. You spend more time with them, which is a good thing.

With automation, you might type [[John v1-v5]] knowing that you see the verses when you preview or click the link, but manually you interact with them one more time.

That grouping of verses note would have its own node in the graph and backlinks.

Just a quick thought.