Give us attribute options that will let us choose, per instance, whether or not to show the reference page title or section title in addition to the embedded content. Currently we can only choose one way for the entire vault by altering CSS.
There are significant requests for block level embeds/transclusion. Section Embedding is a reasonable approach, considering Obsidian’s commitment to markdown. But to bring Section Embedding closer to the utility of block embedding, we need some way to choose what is shown.
Approach Suggestion:
The pretty print partition of an internal link isn’t currently used for embeds so it seems like a natural position to take advantage of.
![[Page Title#Section Title|{include:PageTitle,SectionTitle}]]
Alternatively, recognize something like curly braces as the container for attributes, leaving the pipe section available.
![[Page Title#Section Title{include:PageTitle,SectionTitle}]]
Something like this approach seems to be used by Pandoc
![[Page Title#Section Title]]{include:PageTitle,SectionTitle}
Depending on the default style chosen in Obsidian, the attributes could be reversed,
![[Page Title#Section Title]]{hide:PageTitle,SectionTitle}
As an additional way to manage embedded sections gracefully, this is related to